This is the release branch. If you want to development branch check here
A continuation of alphaest's MyTown mod for minecraft,
Land protection mod. Create new towns, add members to it, set up personalised plots, configure plot/town permissions.
- Towns - Don't be a loner. Play together by building small or big towns!
- Nations - Join nations to build your towns next to eachother and chat more easily
- Town teleporting - Don't force your new recruits to walk, let them get to your town quick
- Residents, assistants, mayors - Towny-like hierarchical schema
- HeroChat like chat, town/nation channel - /ch tc - /g Hello! - /l Kle ära nussi - [TR][Mod]supercool[<3]: Buying iridium plates!
- Tight protection - Protects against most mod world changing items like IC mininglaser, BC quarrys, TC excavationwand etc. Tailored for FTB MindCrack modpack.
- Permissions - Claim only half plots for your roads so the one claiming next to it can use the other parts of the plot. Disable outsiders entering a plot or just cant loot or can access but cant build. Disable/enable quarries to make your plots safe against this old devil. And much more. Check it out using /t perm plot.
- Autocomplete for all commands, tab away - /t in Sp0
Install Guide
Download MyTown and place it in your servers mods/ folder
Download MyTownLib from and place it in your servers mods/ folder
Download PermissionsEx from, place it in servers mods/ folder
Start server, stop server to generate config/MyTown/MyTown.cfg and database
Edit the config file as you see fit
Edit the config/permissions.yml file, remove atleast admin and plot count nodes from default group. Refer to the commands manual and/or the example pex script below
Start your server and play