Industrial Project 2 - Heating system application
-Download/clone the folder from the github repository
-Open the project folder in VisualStudioCode
-Make sure you have Dart and Flutter extensions installed in VSC
-Create a new terminal and navigate to the projects root folder
-Run "flutter pub get"
Then, enter one of the following:
-flutter run -d edge --web-browser-flag "--disable-web-security"
-flutter run -d chrome --web-browser-flag "--disable-web-security"
-Download and install Android Studio:
-Launch Android Studio and install the Android SDK components
-Once you're greeted with "Welcome to Android Studio", restart your PC and you should be good to go
-Open the project folder in VisualStudioCode
-Create a new terminal and navigate to the projects root folder
-Run "flutter pub get"
-Turn on "USB debugging" in your phones developer options
-Connect the phone via USB to PC
-Enter "flutter run"
-If asked about installing multidex support type "y"