Project Management Web Application Built Using Next.js, MongoDB, Websockets, and Node + Express
All React Components are stored in /Components. The layout that is shared between all pages is also found here.
MongoDB Mongoose models can be found in /Models. Models include:
Ticket - The schema for tickets which include title: String,
ticketID: Number,
submitterID: String,
timeStamp: String,
projectID: String,
projectName: String,
urgency: String,
description: String,
status: String,
comments: [String],
commentsUserWhoPosted: [String]\
Project -
projectName: String,
description: String,
dateCreated: String,
admins: [String], //List of User IDs of the Admins
adminIDs: [String],
users: [String], //Includes the Admins as well
userIDs: [String],
currentTicketNumber: Number\
User -
projects: [String],
userID: String,
name: String\