Documentation for the Cats in the Sky API
Provides matchings of cats to their favorite foods. Each cat will be matched to a list of Veges that begin with the same first letter as the cat.
GET /cats
"Michael": [
"Christopher": [
"Jessica": [],
"Matthew": [
Simply retrieves all 'Cats' and their matching Veges from the database.
Database is already matched and thus, no real logic is implemented here.
Adds new Cat to the Database for Matching.
POST /cat
"cat": "Andrew"
Successfully created new Cat: Andrew!
1. Incorrect Formatting of Request Body
2. Cat already exists in database
Ensures Cat does not exist. Then, builds new Cat from Schema. All Veges that start
with same first letter as the cat are queried from the database, and added to the
cat's Vege list. Cat is saved into the database.
Adds new Vege to the Database for Matching
POST /vege
"vege": "Artichoke"
Successfully created new Vege: Artichoke!
1. Incorrect Formatting of Request Body
2. Vege already exists in database
Ensures Vege does not exist. Then, builds new Vege from Schema. All Cats that start
with same first letter as the cat are queried from the database, and added to the
Vege's Cat list. Vege is saved into the database.
Deletes Cat from the database. Cat will no longer show up in matching. ACCESS_TOKEN is required to access this endpoint.
"cat": "Andrew"
Successfully removed Cat: Andrew!
1. Incorrect Formatting of Request Body
2. Missing or incorrect ACCESS_TOKEN
3. Cat does not exist in database
Checks token to ensure it is valid. If valid, ensures that Cat exists in database.
Then, queries each Vege in the Cat's Vege list, and removes Cat from each Vege's Cat list.
Then, Cat is removed from database.
If Vege is utilized in current matching, it will be tracked and no longer utilized. If Vege is not being used, it will be removed from the database.
"vege": "Artichoke"
Successfully removed Vege: Artichoke!
1. Incorrect Formatting of Request Body
2. Missing or incorrect ACCESS_TOKEN
3. Vege does not exist in database
Checks token to ensure it is valid. If valid, ensures that Vege exists in database.
Then, checks the Vege's Cat list to determine whether it is being utilized in the
matching process. If so, queries each Cat in the Vege's Cat list, and removes the
Vege from each Cat's Vege list. Else, Vege is simply removed from the database.
User signup.
POST /signup
"username": "Andrew",
"pwd": "Tom"
Successful signup for user: Andrew!
1. Incorrect Formatting of Request Body
2. User Account already exists
Ensures that username does not already exist in database. Then, runs bcrypt on the
password with 12 salting rounds and stores username and password in the database.
User signin. Provides user with ACCESS_TOKEN which can be used to access DELETE endpoints.
POST /signin
"username": "Andrew",
"pwd": "Tom"
"accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFuZHJldyIsImlhdCI6MTYzMTQyNDI2NywiZXhwIjoxNjMxNDI3ODY3fQ._Q9_hwKf2rqIGMpdvGaUCGooMePCviuXqcnS7y7duZI"
1. Incorrect Formatting of Request Body
2. Credentials do not match an existing User Account
Ensures that username exists in the database. Then, decrypts the hashed password from
the database, and compares to the password from the signin body. If equal, a new JWT
is sent to the user in response. This token is valid for 1 hour.
name: { type: String, required: true },
veges: [],
firstChar: {type: String, required: true}
name: { type: String, required: true },
cats: [],
firstChar: {type: String, required: true},
deleted: {type: Boolean, required: true},
username: { type: String, required: true },
password: { type: String, required: true }