Use this package if you're developing web apps in Go.
go get
Flow of use:
- Initialize with Tor socks5 proxy address
- Use adapter methods to communicate with Tofa Clients
Calls are synchronous.
package main
import (
tor_client ""
func main(){
* First initialize adapter with Tor proxy address. Usually it's
* Adapter instance is shared across application, so init should be called only once.
* Attempts to register with Tofa Client.
* It requires Client URI, and metadata so human can recognize your service.
* Metadata must contain "name" and "description" (both strings).
* @returns: the authentication token which is mandatory when performing ASK and INFO calls
* Also an error, if it occurred.
* Registration process must occur only once, and authentication token
* must be stored in a database and re-used for eternity.
auth_token, err := calls.Reg(uri, calls.Meta{
"name": "Test remote app",
"description": "Harmless test remote app description",
fmt.Println(auth_token, err)
* Attempts to ask for confirmation form Tofa Client amid an action.
* It requires Client URI, and metadata so human can recognize the action.
* Metadata must contain a comprehensive "description" and the "auth_token" (both strings).
* @returns: true/false whether human allowed the action or not and error if it occurred
accepted, err := calls.Ask(uri, calls.Meta{
"auth_token": auth_token,
"description": "Harmless request from test remote application regarding action Z ",
fmt.Println(accepted, err)
* Attempts to send an INFO call. This is only a notification sent to the Client.
* It requires Client URI, and metadata so human can recognize your service.
* Metadata must contain "name" and "auth_token" (both strings).
* @returns: error, if it occurred
err := calls.Info(uri, calls.Meta{
"auth_token": auth_token,
"description": "Harmless information notice from test remote application regarding A,S,D,etc",
* Errors are splitted based on error case.
* You can take actions based on which error occurred using type assertion.
* A full documented list can be browsed within IDE at
if inst, ok := err.(errors.BadCall); ok {
// do stuff