A friendly and pragmatic introduction to Scala's benefits.
For a list of topics, look at the git log. There is one topic per commit.
Ask me questions on Twitter: @tobym
This project uses groll to navigate through
the git history. In sbt, use groll initial
to start at the beginning, then
groll next
and groll prev
to move forwards and backwards, and run
to run
the example's main class for a demo.
From https://github.com/paulp/sbt-extras:
curl -Ls https://git.io/sbt > ~/bin/sbt && chmod 0755 ~/bin/sbt
Then launch sbt interactive shell from this project's base directory: sbt
This assumes you have ~/bin in your PATH, and you have Java 8 installed.
From within sbt, issue run
From within sbt, issue test
At the end of the presentation is a problem set. The tests are implemented
already, just run sbt test
. Put implementations in ProblemSet.scala.