v0.3.5 (2019-10-11)
Closed issues:
- Link around formatted text (#266)
- Use NodeJS.jl (#262)
- Odd quirks in build/highlighting process (#259)
- More integrated support for Literate.jl (#256)
- Code eval: use show on last eval (#254)
- Markdown reference links (#250)
- RSS enhancements [feedback welcome] (#246)
- keep the engine running in case of errors (#69)
Merged pull requests:
- fixing [name][id] links and formatted links (#267) (tlienart)
- additional few fixes (#265) (tlienart)
- Ongoing fixes while battle testing Literate integration (#264) (tlienart)
- Using NodeJS (#263) (tlienart)
- make show also display stdout (#261) (tlienart)
- closes #259 (#260) (tlienart)
- adding a \show method for cell result, closes #254 (#258) (tlienart)
- adding experimental tight integration for literate, closes #256 (#257) (tlienart)
- Additional fixes to eval workflow (#255) (tlienart)
- Closes #250 (issue with reference links on first pass) (#253) (tlienart)
- Multiple fixes (mainly code eval and paths) (#252) (tlienart)