v0.3.4 (2019-10-02)
Closed issues:
- RSS validator: a few complaints to fix (#244)
- Automatic header link pathological case (#241)
- [bug] indented paragraphs in comments (or elsewhere) taken as code (#234)
- Support for tutorials -- "activated" environments per page (#233)
- Bold x* (#223)
- Bold inline code (#222)
- Penta-ticks (#219)
- [FR] support for RSS (e.g. JuliaBloggers) (#161)
- barebones output (#145)
Merged pull requests:
- Activate (#249) (tlienart)
- closes #241 using double underscore (#248) (tlienart)
- adding a read more link (#247) (tlienart)
- RSS (fixes) (#245) (tlienart)
- Rss (#242) (tlienart)
- Wip3 (#240) (tlienart)
- Fix search for occur to account for _n headings (#238) (TotalVerb)
- Fix nested table of contents HTML (#237) (TotalVerb)