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bunch of fixes to do with spacing and ordering and tests (#235)
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- closes #234, closes #219, closes #222, closes #223, closes #145 
- blocks in maths envs are now disabled so that there's no bleeding of code in maths etc (#234) 
- adds tests to remove some spacing issues before or after insertions (e.g. if `\eqref{..}` is followed by a `.` , there shouldn't be a space between the insertion and the `.` something like `(9).`, this is more annoying than would appear due to the fact that the Julia Markdown parser removes whitespaces a bit arbitrarily). this also fixes #222 
- reinforced escaping to not have `\*` or `\_` confuse bold or emph environment (#223)
- penta ticks to fence triple ticks (#219) and reinforcement of the parser as a result allowing the use of a token validator when using a greedy rule to allow the discarding of a stack
- adds `jd2html` a function that allows somewone to directly test the conversion from a judoc-markdown string to html (should be doc'd)
+ patch release
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tlienart authored Sep 27, 2019
1 parent dd69a95 commit 1dd2525
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Showing 18 changed files with 387 additions and 53 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .travis.yml
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ after_success:
- stage: "Documentation"
julia: 1.0
julia: 1.2
os: linux
- julia --project=docs/ -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.develop(PackageSpec(path=pwd()));
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "JuDoc"
uuid = "4ca9428c-4c75-11e9-2efb-bf5cb6c1e8f8"
authors = ["Thibaut Lienart <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.3.2"
version = "0.3.3"

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tlienart Sep 27, 2019

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@JuliaRegistrator register()

Dates = "ade2ca70-3891-5945-98fb-dc099432e06a"
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16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/JuDoc.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import LiveServer

using DocStringExtensions: SIGNATURES, TYPEDEF

export serve, publish, cleanpull, newsite, optimize
export serve, publish, cleanpull, newsite, optimize, jd2html

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,4 +114,18 @@ include("misc_html.jl")

Return the HTML corresponding to a JuDoc-Markdown string.
function jd2html(st::AbstractString)::String
CUR_PATH[] = ""
m, v = convert_md(st * EOS, collect(values(GLOBAL_LXDEFS)))
h = convert_html(m, v)
return h

end # module
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/converter/fixer.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ function find_and_fix_md_links(hs::String)::String
# move the head after the match
head = nextind(hs, m.offset + length(m.match) - 1)
head = nextind(hs, m.offset + lastindex(m.match) - 1)
strlen = lastindex(hs)
(head < strlen) && write(h, subs(hs, head, strlen))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/converter/html_blocks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ end
Helper function to process an individual block when the block is a `HIsDef` such as `{{ ifdef
Helper function to process an individual block when the block is a `HIsDef` such as `{{ isdef
author }} {{ fill author }} {{ end }}`. Which checks if a variable exists and if it does, applies
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14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/converter/md.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ function convert_md(mds::String, pre_lxdefs::Vector{LxDef}=Vector{LxDef}();
#> 1. Tokenize
tokens = find_tokens(mds, MD_TOKENS, MD_1C_TOKENS)
fn_refs = validate_footnotes!(tokens)

#> 1b. Find indented blocks
tokens = find_indented_blocks(tokens, mds)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -290,11 +289,18 @@ function convert_inter_html(ihtml::AS,
!(hasli2) && (c2b strlen - 4) && ihtml[c2a:c2b] == "</p>" && (δ2 = 4)

# write whatever is at the front, skip the extra space if still present
δ1 = ifelse(iszero(δ1) && !hasli1, 1, δ1)
prev = (m.offset - δ1 > 0) ? prevind(ihtml, m.offset - δ1) : 0
prev = prevind(ihtml, m.offset - δ1)
if prev > 0
prev -= ifelse(ihtml[prev] == ' ', 1, 0)
prev = 0
(head prev) && write(htmls, subs(ihtml, head:prev))
# move head appropriately
head = iend + δ2 + 1
head = iend + δ2
if head strlen
head += ifelse(ihtml[head] in (' ', '>'), 1, 0)
# store the resolved block
write(htmls, convert_block(blocks[i], lxcontext))
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions src/converter/md_blocks.jl
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Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,9 @@ $(SIGNATURES)
Helper function for the code block case of `convert_block`.
function convert_code_block(ss::SubString)::String
m = match(r"```([a-z-]*)(\:[a-zA-Z\\\/-_\.]+)?\s*\n?((?:.|\n)*)```", ss)
fencer = ifelse(startswith(ss, "`````"), "`````", "```")
reg = Regex("$fencer([a-z-]*)(\\:[a-zA-Z\\\\\\/-_\\.]+)?\\s*\\n?((?:.|\\n)*)$fencer")
m = match(reg, ss)
lang = m.captures[1]
rpath = m.captures[2]
code = m.captures[3]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,7 +189,9 @@ function convert_indented_code_block(ss::SubString)::String
# 1. decrease indentation of all lines (either frontal \n\t or \n⎵⎵⎵⎵)
code = replace(ss, r"\n(?:\t| {4})" => "\n")
# 2. return; lang is a LOCAL_PAGE_VARS that is julia by default and can be set
return html_code(strip(code), "{{fill lang}}")
sc = strip(code)
isempty(sc) && return ""
return html_code(sc, "{{fill lang}}")

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29 changes: 24 additions & 5 deletions src/parser/md_tokens.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,15 @@ const MD_TOKENS = Dict{Char, Vector{TokenFinder}}(
']' => [ isexactly("]: ") => :LINK_DEF,
'\\' => [ isexactly("\\{") => :INACTIVE, # See note [^1]
'\\' => [ # -- special characters, see `find_special_chars` in ocblocks
isexactly("\\\\") => :CHAR_LINEBREAK, # --> <br/>
isexactly("\\", (' ',)) => :CHAR_BACKSPACE, # --> &#92;
isexactly("\\*") => :CHAR_ASTERISK, # --> &#42;
isexactly("\\_") => :CHAR_UNDERSCORE,# --> &#95;
isexactly("\\`") => :CHAR_BACKTICK, # --> &#96;
isexactly("\\@") => :CHAR_ATSIGN, # --> &#64;
# -- maths
isexactly("\\{") => :INACTIVE, # See note [^1]
isexactly("\\}") => :INACTIVE, # See note [^1]
isexactly("\\\$") => :INACTIVE, # See note [^1]
isexactly("\\[") => :MATH_C_OPEN, # \[ ...
Expand All @@ -51,10 +59,8 @@ const MD_TOKENS = Dict{Char, Vector{TokenFinder}}(
isexactly("\\end{equation}") => :MATH_D_CLOSE,
isexactly("\\begin{eqnarray}") => :MATH_EQA_OPEN,
isexactly("\\end{eqnarray}") => :MATH_EQA_CLOSE,
# -- latex
isexactly("\\newcommand") => :LX_NEWCOMMAND,
isexactly("\\\\") => :CHAR_LINEBREAK, # will be replaced by <br/>
isexactly("\\", (' ',)) => :CHAR_BACKSPACE, # will be replaced by &#92;
isexactly("\\`") => :CHAR_BACKTICK, # will be replaced by &#96;
incrlook((_, c) -> α(c)) => :LX_COMMAND, # \command⎵*
'@' => [ isexactly("@def", (' ',)) => :MD_DEF_OPEN, # @def var = ...
Expand All @@ -79,7 +85,9 @@ const MD_TOKENS = Dict{Char, Vector{TokenFinder}}(
'`' => [ isexactly("`", ('`',), false) => :CODE_SINGLE, # `⎵
isexactly("``",('`',), false) => :CODE_DOUBLE, # ``⎵*
isexactly("```", SPACER) => :CODE_TRIPLE, # ```⎵*
incrlook(is_language) => :CODE_LANG, # ```lang*
isexactly("`````", SPACER) => :CODE_PENTA, # `````⎵*
is_language() => :CODE_LANG, # ```lang*
is_language2() => :CODE_LANG2, # `````lang*
) # end dict
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,7 +142,9 @@ const MD_OCB = [
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,3 +227,12 @@ MATH_BLOCKS_NAMES
List of names of maths environments.

List of names of blocks which will deactivate any block contained within them.
See [`find_all_ocblocks`](@ref).
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions src/parser/ocblocks.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,15 +80,16 @@ function find_all_ocblocks(tokens::Vector{Token}, ocplist::Vector{OCProto}; inma
append!(ocbs_all, ocbs)
# it may happen that a block is contained in a larger escape block.
# For instance this can happen if there is a code block in an escape block (see e.g. #151).
# To fix this, we browse the escape blocks in backwards order and check if there is any other
# block within it.
# For instance this can happen if there is a code block in an escape block
# (see e.g. #151) or if there's indentation in a math block.
# To fix this, we browse the escape blocks in backwards order and check if
# there is any other block within it.
i = length(ocbs_all)
active = ones(Bool, i)
all_heads = from.(ocbs_all)
while i > 1
cur_ocb = ocbs_all[i]
if active[i] && MD_OCB_ESC
if active[i] && MD_OCB_NO_INNER
# find all blocks within the span of this block, deactivate all of them
cur_head = all_heads[i]
cur_tail = to(cur_ocb)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +222,9 @@ function find_special_chars(tokens::Vector{Token})
spch = Vector{HTML_SPCH}()
isempty(tokens) && return spch
for τ in tokens
τ.name == :CHAR_ASTERISK && push!(spch,, "&#42;"))
τ.name == :CHAR_UNDERSCORE && push!(spch,, "&#95;"))
τ.name == :CHAR_ATSIGN && push!(spch,, "&#64;"))
τ.name == :CHAR_BACKSPACE && push!(spch,, "&#92;"))
τ.name == :CHAR_BACKTICK && push!(spch,, "&#96;"))
τ.name == :CHAR_LINEBREAK && push!(spch,, "<br/>"))
Expand Down
47 changes: 36 additions & 11 deletions src/parser/tokens.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -158,16 +158,16 @@ julia> s
function isexactly(refstring::AS, follow::NTuple{K,Char} where K = (),
# number of steps from the start character
steps = prevind(refstring, lastindex(refstring))
# no offset (don't check next character)
isempty(follow) && return (steps, false, s -> (s == refstring))
isempty(follow) && return (steps, false, s -> (s == refstring), nothing)
# include next char for verification (--> offset of 1)
steps = nextind(refstring, steps)
# verification function
# verification function; we want either (false false or true true))
λ(s) = (chop(s) == refstring) && !xor(isfollowed, s[end] follow)
return (steps, true, λ)
return (steps, true, λ, nothing)

Expand All @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ a case where from a start character we lazily accept the next sequence of charac
soon as a character fails to verify `λ(c)`.
See also [`isexactly`](@ref).
incrlook::Function) = (0, false, λ)
incrlook::Function, validator=nothing) = (0, false, λ, validator)

Expand All @@ -210,12 +210,33 @@ In combination with `incrlook`, checks to see if we have something that looks li
backtick followed by a valid combination of letter defining a language. Triggering char is a
first backtick.
function is_language(i::Int, c::Char)
i < 3 && return c=='`' # ` followed by `` forms the opening ```
i == 3 && return α(c) # must be a letter
return α(c, ('-',)) # can be a letter or a hyphen, for instance ```objective-c
is_language() = incrlook(_is_language, _validate_language)

function _is_language(i::Int, c::Char)
i < 3 && return c == '`' # ` followed by `` forms the opening ```
i == 3 && return α(c) # must be a letter
return α(c, ('-',)) # can be a letter or a hyphen, for instance ```objective-c

_validate_language(stack::AS) = match(r"^```[a-zA-Z]", stack) !== nothing

See [`is_language`](@ref) but with 5 ticks.
is_language2() = incrlook(_is_language2, _validate_language2)

function _is_language2(i::Int, c::Char)
i < 5 && return c == '`'
i == 5 && return α(c)
return α(c, ('-',))

_validate_language2(stack::AS) = match(r"^`````[a-zA-Z]", stack) !== nothing

Expand All @@ -242,7 +263,7 @@ TokenFinder
Convenience type to define tokens. The Tuple comes from the output of functions such as
const TokenFinder = Pair{Tuple{Int,Bool,Function},Symbol}
const TokenFinder = Pair{Tuple{Int,Bool,Function,Union{Nothing,Function}},Symbol}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,7 +298,7 @@ function find_tokens(str::AS,

# 2. is it one of the multi-char token?
elseif haskey(tokens_dict, head)
for ((steps, offset, λ), case) tokens_dict[head]
for ((steps, offset, λ, ν), case) tokens_dict[head]
↪ steps = length of the lookahead, 0 if incremental
↪ offset = if we need to check one character 'too much'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,6 +337,10 @@ function find_tokens(str::AS,
endchar_idx = prevind(str, nextchar_idx)
if endchar_idx > head_idx
# if the validator is unhappy, don't move the head and
# consider other rules
ν === nothing || ν(stack) || continue
# otherwise move ahead after the match
push!(tokens, Token(case, stack))
head_idx = endchar_idx
Expand Down
32 changes: 25 additions & 7 deletions test/converter/eval.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,13 @@
@test isfile(opath)
@test read(opath, String) == "25"

@test occursin("code: <pre><code class=\"language-julia\">a = 5\nprint(a^2)</code></pre>", h)
@test occursin("then: <pre><code>25</code></pre> done.", h)
@test isapproxstr(h, raw"""
<p>Simple code:
<pre><code class="language-julia">a = 5

@testset "Eval (errs)" begin
Expand All @@ -39,7 +44,11 @@ end
""" * J.EOS |> seval

@test occursin("code: <pre><code class=\"language-python\">a = 5\nprint(a**2)\n</code></pre> done.", h)
@test isapproxstr(h, raw"""
<p>Simple code:
<pre><code class="language-python">a = 5

@testset "Eval (rinput)" begin
Expand All @@ -62,8 +71,13 @@ end
@test isfile(opath)
@test read(opath, String) == "25"

@test occursin("code: <pre><code class=\"language-julia\">a = 5\nprint(a^2)</code></pre>", h)
@test occursin("then: <pre><code>25</code></pre> done.", h)
@test isapproxstr(h, """
<p>Simple code:
<pre><code class="language-julia">a = 5

# ------------

Expand All @@ -88,8 +102,12 @@ end
@test isfile(opath)
@test read(opath, String) == "25"

@test occursin("code: <pre><code class=\"language-julia\">a = 5\nprint(a^2)</code></pre>", h)
@test occursin("then: <pre><code>25</code></pre> done.", h)
@test isapproxstr(h, """
<p>Simple code:
<pre><code class="language-julia">a = 5
<pre><code>25</code></pre> done.</p>""")

@testset "Eval (module)" begin
Expand Down

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