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Thomas Klijnsma edited this page Apr 3, 2019 · 5 revisions

Documentation for the differential combination HIG-17-028

This documentation is meant to show which commands to use to regenerate the results of HIG-17-028. This is not an actual documentation of the code in the usual sense of the word; it's merely a set of instructions. The explanation contained in this document refers only to how to use the code; for the underlying physics, the reader is referred to the paper, the CADI line and the analysis note.

The necessary input from the experimental side (the individual decay channels) and the theoretical side (the cross section predictions) are all contained in the following repository:

The full set of workspaces, scans and plots is saved in a .tar.gz on the PSI T3 SE. The command to download it is:

gfal-copy root:// .