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moe-dev committed May 7, 2024
1 parent d64161b commit a1b3a24
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Showing 3 changed files with 426 additions and 3,270 deletions.
333 changes: 10 additions & 323 deletions Auth.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { Buffer } from '@craftzdog/react-native-buffer';
import { View, Text, TextInput, Button, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { btoa, atob } from 'react-native-quick-base64'
import { p256 } from "@noble/curves/p256";
import * as hkdf from '@noble/hashes/hkdf'
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
import { gcm } from '@noble/ciphers/aes';
import bs58check from 'bs58check';
import {signWithApiKey} from '@turnkey/api-key-stamper'
import {generateTargetKey, decryptBundle, stringToBase64urlString, base64StringToBase64UrlEncodedString, uint8arrayToHexString, getPublicKey, uint8arrayFromHexString} from '@turnkey/crypto'

const AuthScreen = () => {
const [embeddedKey, setEmbeddedKey] = useState<any>(null);
Expand All @@ -17,199 +11,6 @@ const AuthScreen = () => {
const [decryptedData, setDecryptedData] = useState('');
const [signature, setSignature] = useState('');

const SUITE_ID_1 = new Uint8Array([75,69,77,0,16])
const SUITE_ID_2 = new Uint8Array([72,80,75,69,0,16,0,1,0,2])
const HPKE_VERSION = new Uint8Array([72, 80, 75, 69, 45, 118, 49]);
// b"secret"
const LABEL_SECRET = new Uint8Array([115, 101, 99, 114, 101, 116]);
// b"HPKE"
// b"eae_prk"
const LABEL_EAE_PRK = new Uint8Array([101, 97, 101, 95, 112, 114, 107]);
// b"shared_secret"
// deno-fmt-ignore
const LABEL_SHARED_SECRET = new Uint8Array([
115, 104, 97, 114, 101, 100, 95, 115, 101, 99,
114, 101, 116,

function buildLabeledIkm(label: Uint8Array, ikm: Uint8Array, suite_id: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
const combinedLength = HPKE_VERSION.length + suite_id.length + label.length + ikm.length;
const ret = new Uint8Array(combinedLength);
let offset = 0;

ret.set(HPKE_VERSION, offset);
offset += HPKE_VERSION.length;

ret.set(suite_id, offset);
offset += suite_id.length;

ret.set(label, offset);
offset += label.length;

ret.set(ikm, offset);

return ret;

function buildLabeledInfo(
label: Uint8Array,
info: Uint8Array,
suite_id: Uint8Array,
len: number,
): Uint8Array {
const ret = new Uint8Array(
9 + suite_id.byteLength + label.byteLength + info.byteLength,
ret.set(new Uint8Array([0, len]), 0);
ret.set(HPKE_VERSION, 2);
ret.set(suite_id, 9);
ret.set(label, 9 + suite_id.byteLength);
ret.set(info, 9 + suite_id.byteLength + label.byteLength);
return ret;

var uint8arrayFromHexString = function(hexString:any) {
var hexRegex = /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/;
if (!hexString || hexString.length % 2 != 0 || !hexRegex.test(hexString)) {
throw new Error('cannot create uint8array from invalid hex string: "' + hexString + '"');
return new Uint8Array(hexString.match(/../g).map(h=>parseInt(h,16)));
var uint8arrayToHexString = function(buffer:any) {
return [...buffer]
.map(x => x.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))
var bigIntToHex = function(num:any, length:any) {
var hexString = num.toString(16);
if (hexString.length > length) {
throw new Error("number cannot fit in a hex string of " + length + " characters");
// Add an extra 0 to the start of the string to get to `length`
return hexString.padStart(length, 0)
* Accepts a public key array buffer, and returns a buffer with the uncompressed version of the public key
* @param {Uint8Array} rawPublicKey
* @return {Uint8Array} the uncompressed bytes
var uncompressRawPublicKey = function(rawPublicKey:any) {
const len = rawPublicKey.byteLength

// point[0] must be 2 (false) or 3 (true).
// this maps to the initial "02" or "03" prefix
const lsb = rawPublicKey[0] === 3;
const x = BigInt("0x" + uint8arrayToHexString(rawPublicKey.subarray(1)));

// (Appendix D).
const p = BigInt("115792089210356248762697446949407573530086143415290314195533631308867097853951");
const b = BigInt("0x5ac635d8aa3a93e7b3ebbd55769886bc651d06b0cc53b0f63bce3c3e27d2604b");
const a = p - BigInt(3);

// Now compute y based on x
const rhs = ((x * x + a) * x + b) % p;
let y = modSqrt(rhs, p);
if (lsb !== testBit(y, 0)) {
y = (p - y) % p;

if (x < BigInt(0) || x >= p) {
throw new Error("x is out of range");

if (y < BigInt(0) || y >= p) {
throw new Error("y is out of range");

var uncompressedHexString = "04" + bigIntToHex(x, 64) + bigIntToHex(y, 64);
return uint8arrayFromHexString(uncompressedHexString)

function modSqrt(x:any, p:any) {
if (p <= BigInt(0)) {
throw new Error("p must be positive");
const base = x % p;
// The currently supported NIST curves P-256, P-384, and P-521 all satisfy
// p % 4 == 3. However, although currently a no-op, the following check
// should be left in place in case other curves are supported in the future.
if (testBit(p, 0) && /* istanbul ignore next */ testBit(p, 1)) {
// Case p % 4 == 3 (applies to NIST curves P-256, P-384, and P-521)
// q = (p + 1) / 4
const q = (p + BigInt(1)) >> BigInt(2);
const squareRoot = modPow(base, q, p);
if ((squareRoot * squareRoot) % p !== base) {
throw new Error("could not find a modular square root");
return squareRoot;
// Skipping other elliptic curve types that require Cipolla's algorithm.
throw new Error("unsupported modulus value");

* Private helper function used by `modSqrt`
function modPow(b:any, exp:any, p:any) {
if (exp === BigInt(0)) {
return BigInt(1);
let result = b;
const exponentBitString = exp.toString(2);
for (let i = 1; i < exponentBitString.length; ++i) {
result = (result * result) % p;
if (exponentBitString[i] === "1") {
result = (result * b) % p;
return result;

* Another private helper function used as part of `modSqrt`
function testBit(n:any, i:any) {
const m = BigInt(1) << BigInt(i);
return (n & m) !== BigInt(0);

const base64urlEncode = (data: Uint8Array): string => {
let binary = "";
data.forEach((byte) => (binary += String.fromCharCode(byte)));
return btoa(binary)
.replace(/\+/g, "-")
.replace(/\//g, "_")
.replace(/=+$/, "");

const base64urlDecode = (base64url: string): Uint8Array => {
let binary_string = atob(base64url.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/"));
let len = binary_string.length;
let bytes = new Uint8Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i);
return bytes;

const randomBytes = (length: number): Uint8Array => {
const array = new Uint8Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
return array;

const generateTargetKey = async (): Promise<{
privateKey: string;
publicKey: Uint8Array;
}> => {
const privateKey = randomBytes(32);
const publicKey = p256.getPublicKey(privateKey, false);
return { privateKey: base64urlEncode(privateKey), publicKey: publicKey };

useEffect(() => {
}, []);
Expand All @@ -218,143 +19,29 @@ const randomBytes = (length: number): Uint8Array => {
try {
const key = await generateTargetKey();
const targetPubHex = Buffer.from(key.publicKey).toString('hex');
const targetPubHex = uint8arrayToHexString(key.publicKey);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating key:', error);

const additionalAssociatedData = (
senderPubBuf: ArrayBuffer,
receiverPubBuf: ArrayBuffer
): Uint8Array => {
var s = Array.from(new Uint8Array(senderPubBuf));
var r = Array.from(new Uint8Array(receiverPubBuf));
return new Uint8Array([...s, ...r]);
async function extractAndExpand(sharedSecret:any, ikm:any, info:any, len:any) {
// Perform HKDF extract and expand
const prk = hkdf.extract(sha256, ikm, sharedSecret); // Use the input key as IKM, salt for extracting PRK
const resp = hkdf.expand(sha256, prk, info, len); // Use the PRK and info bytes to derive the IV
return new Uint8Array(resp);

* Derive the dh using ECDH
const deriveDh = async (encappedKeyBuf:any, receiverPriv:any) => {
const dh = p256.getSharedSecret(base64urlDecode(receiverPriv), encappedKeyBuf)
return dh.slice(1);

const aesGcmDecrypt = (encryptedData: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array, iv: Uint8Array, aad?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array => {
const aes = gcm(key, iv, aad);
const data_ = aes.decrypt(encryptedData) // This works with Buffer from, but not when we pass Uint8Array, also works with .slice(), wth?
return data_

const getKemContext = (encappedKeyBuf:any, publicKey:any) => {
const encappedKeyArray = new Uint8Array(encappedKeyBuf);
const publicKeyArray = new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(publicKey, 'hex'));

// Create a new Uint8Array with the length equal to the sum of both arrays
const kemContext = new Uint8Array(encappedKeyArray.length + publicKeyArray.length);

// Copy the contents of the first array into the new array

// Copy the contents of the second array into the new array, starting right after the end of the first array
kemContext.set(publicKeyArray, encappedKeyArray.length);
return kemContext
* HPKE Decrypt Function
const hpkeDecrypt = async ({ciphertextBuf, encappedKeyBuf, receiverPriv}:any) => {
try {
let ikm
let info
const receiverPubBuf = await p256.getPublicKey(base64urlDecode(receiverPriv), false);
const aad = additionalAssociatedData(encappedKeyBuf, receiverPubBuf);
const kemContext = getKemContext(encappedKeyBuf,publicKey)
// Step 1: Generate Shared Secret [DONE]
const dh = await deriveDh(encappedKeyBuf, receiverPriv);
ikm = buildLabeledIkm(LABEL_EAE_PRK, dh, SUITE_ID_1)
info = buildLabeledInfo(LABEL_SHARED_SECRET, kemContext, SUITE_ID_1, 32)
const sharedSecret = await extractAndExpand(new Uint8Array([]), ikm, info, 32)

// Step 2: Get AES Key [DONE]
ikm = buildLabeledIkm(LABEL_SECRET, new Uint8Array([]), SUITE_ID_2)
info = new Uint8Array([0,32,72,80,75,69,45,118,49,72,80,75,69,0,16,0,1,0,2,107,101,121,0,143,195,174,184,50,73,10,75,90,179,228,32,35,40,125,178,154,31,75,199,194,34,192,223,34,135,39,183,10,64,33,18,47,63,4,233,32,108,209,36,19,80,53,41,180,122,198,166,48,185,46,196,207,125,35,69,8,208,175,151,113,201,158,80])
const key = await extractAndExpand(sharedSecret,ikm,info,32)

// Step 3: Get IV [DONE]
info = new Uint8Array([0,12,72,80,75,69,45,118,49,72,80,75,69,0,16,0,1,0,2,98,97,115,101,95,110,111,110,99,101,0,143,195,174,184,50,73,10,75,90,179,228,32,35,40,125,178,154,31,75,199,194,34,192,223,34,135,39,183,10,64,33,18,47,63,4,233,32,108,209,36,19,80,53,41,180,122,198,166,48,185,46,196,207,125,35,69,8,208,175,151,113,201,158,80])
const iv = await extractAndExpand(sharedSecret,ikm,info,12)

// Step 4: Decrypt
// const decryptedData = await aesGcmDecrypt(ciphertextBuf, Buffer.from(key), Buffer.from(iv), Buffer.from(aad));
const decryptedData = await aesGcmDecrypt(ciphertextBuf, key, iv, aad);
return decryptedData;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Decryption Error:', error);
throw error;

function stringToBase64urlString(input: string): string {
// string to base64 -- we do not rely on the browser's btoa since it's not present in React Native environments
const base64String = btoa(input);
return base64StringToBase64UrlEncodedString(base64String);

function base64StringToBase64UrlEncodedString(input: string): string {
return input.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g, "");

const handleInjectBundle = async () => {
try {
const decryptedData = await decryptBundle(credentialBundle, embeddedKey) as Uint8Array

if (
// Non-alphanumerical characters in base64url: - and _. These aren't in base58.
credentialBundle.indexOf("-") === -1 && credentialBundle.indexOf("_") === -1
// Uppercase o (O), uppercase i (I), lowercase L (l), and 0 aren't in the character set either.
&& credentialBundle.indexOf("O") === -1 && credentialBundle.indexOf("I") === -1 && credentialBundle.indexOf("l") === -1 && credentialBundle.indexOf("0") === -1
) {
var bundleBytes = bs58check.decode(credentialBundle)
} else {
var bundleBytes = base64urlDecode(credentialBundle);

if (bundleBytes.byteLength <= 33) {
throw new Error("bundle size " + bundleBytes.byteLength + " is too low. Expecting a compressed public key (33 bytes) and an encrypted credential")

var compressedEncappedKeyBuf = bundleBytes.slice(0,33);
var ciphertextBuf = bundleBytes.slice(33);
var encappedKeyBuf = uncompressRawPublicKey(compressedEncappedKeyBuf)
const decryptedData = await hpkeDecrypt({
ciphertextBuf: ciphertextBuf,
encappedKeyBuf: encappedKeyBuf,
receiverPriv: embeddedKey

} catch (error) {
catch (error) {
console.error('Error injecting bundle:', error);

const handleStampPayload = async () => {
const handleStampPayload = async () => { //TODO
try {
const content = JSON.stringify(payload)
const publicKey = Buffer.from(p256.getPublicKey(decryptedData, true)).toString('hex')
const publicKey = uint8arrayToHexString(getPublicKey(uint8arrayFromHexString(decryptedData), true))
const privateKey = decryptedData
const signature = await signWithApiKey({content, publicKey, privateKey} )
// // const rawSignature = await signPayload(credential, payload);
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