Render a column that visually connects a list of items in a format that's commonly used for VCS commits. Implemented in Pharo, it uses Athens, and provides support for Morphic, FastTable, Spec and Spec2.
Text and hiedra in the same column (the text sticks to the hiedra on each row):
Multiple columns, dark theme:
Note this project is already part of Pharo 6, 7, 8 and 9-dev. But if you need to install it, the script is:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://tinchodias/hiedra/src';
baseline: 'Hiedra';
You can find the classes named HiFastTableExample
and HiSpecExample
with executable examples (class-side).
The code is licensed under MIT.
It's the name in Spanish of this plant.