This environment is a simple simulation engine to view and control a standard VEX Clawbot and move it via motor torques, similar to the interface used on the Jetson Orin Nano. This is in BETA and must be run from the repository directory until a package can be created and some features added, however feel free to test as you like.
Sim details: three.js render, ammo/bullet physics
OSHW Support: Windows/Mac/Linux, does not require a GPU
To install the needed libraries, you will first need tkinter. Note that while it comes built in on Windows, Mac/Linux will require an additional install.
# Linux
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
# Mac
brew install python-tk
For all platforms, you can then do a standard pip install.
git clone
cd SimpleSim
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Run an example program to control the robot. You can use W(↑) A(←) S(↓) D(→) to control the robot navigation and P(arm ↑) L(arm ↓) and O(claw →←) K(claw ←→) to control the arm and claws.
A full example code to manually control the robot can be seen here:
from cortano import RealsenseCamera, VexV5
if __name__ == "__main__":
camera = RealsenseCamera()
robot = VexV5()
while robot.running():
color, depth =
sensors, battery =
keys = robot.controller.keys
y = keys["w"] - keys["s"]
x = keys["d"] - keys["a"]
robot.motors[0] = (y + x) * 50
robot.motors[9] = (y - x) * 50
robot.motors[2] = (keys["p"] - keys["l"]) * 50
robot.motors[7] = (keys["o"] - keys["k"]) * 50
A cube is positioned randomly inside of a standard 144"x144" field, with a controllable VEX clawbot.
Action Space | Box(-1.0, 1.0, (10,), float32) |
Observation Shape | (12,) |
Observation High | [inf inf inf inf inf inf inf inf inf inf inf inf] |
Observation Low | [-inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf -inf] |
Import | from cortano import VexV5, RealsenseCamera |
Some actions are left intentionally blank to reflect the VEX microcontroller's disconnected ports.
Num | Action | Control Min | Control Max | Unit |
0 | Angular velocity target of the left motor | -100 | 100 | percent |
1 | ❌ | |||
2 | Angular velocity target of the claw | -100 | 100 | percent |
3 | ❌ | |||
4 | ❌ | |||
5 | ❌ | |||
6 | ❌ | |||
7 | Angular velocity target of the arm | -100 | 100 | percent |
8 | ❌ | |||
9 | Angular velocity target of the right motor | -100 | 100 | percent |
sensors, battery =
Num | Action | Min | Max | Unit |
0 | Left Motor ang position | -inf | inf | position (degrees) |
1 | Left Motor ang velocity | -inf | inf | velocity (degrees/second) |
2 | Left Motor torque | -inf | inf | Nm * 1e3 |
3 | Right Motor ang position | -inf | inf | position (degrees) |
4 | Right Motor ang velocity | -inf | inf | velocity (degrees/se5ond) |
5 | Right Motor torque | -inf | inf | Nm * 1e3 |
6 | Arm ang position | -inf | inf | position (degrees) |
7 | Arm ang velocity | -inf | inf | velocity (degrees/second) |
8 | Arm torque | -inf | inf | Nm * 1e3 |
9 | Claw ang position | -inf | inf | position (degrees) |
10 | Claw ang velocity | -inf | inf | velocity (degrees/second) |
11 | Claw torque | -inf | inf | Nm * 1e3 |
color, depth =
Name | Description | Shape | MaxValue | dtype |
color | BGR numpy array | (360, 640, 3) | 255 | uint8 |
depth | Depth(m) numpy array | (360, 640) | 10000 | uint16 |
camera = RealsenseCamera()
Property | Description |
camera.fx |
focal length (x axis) |
camera.fy |
focal length (y axis) | |
principal center point (x axis) | |
principal center point (y axis) |
The default unit is in meters, with the Z axis pointing upwards.
Color and depth frames are gathered from the Realsense Camera, which tries to mimic a Realsense D415. Note that by default, the simulator will display these frames on the control window. To manually control the robot, you can call the robot.controller.keys[keyname:str]
api. For example
robot = VexV5()
while robot.running():
a_pressed = robot.controller.keys['a'] # 0 or 1
Note that rendering the color and depth frames take a significant amount of time from the simulator, so it will cause step times to increase as well. To turn this off, set render to False:
robot = VexV5(render=False)
Each of the cube's 6 faces contains one of three apriltags - tag16h5 {12, 13, 14}. The cube is 2.56"x2.56"x2.56", however when detecting tags remember that apriltags detect only the inner (black) portion. That means that in reality the tag's size parameter should be 2.56 * 3/4.