A remastering of a classic Japanese arcade game where players hit a drum on the beat of the music.
In the menu screen, three options are presented:
Create your own levels! Just click on the notes on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and click them onto the timeline. Move around the indicator at the top of the screen to pan through the level! Press 's' on your keyboard to save, then name the level and select the difficulty to save it to a .txt file in your directory
Play a level in your levels folder! Select a level that you've already made and play it! Using the 'f' and 'j' keys we can hit the don drum, and using the 'd' and 'k' keys we can hit the kat drum. These are indicated by the red notes and blue notes respectively. Additionally, the yellow long note indicates a drumroll, so hit the don notes as many times as you can during that time; the more you hit, the more points you earn!
Play a level in your levels folder with a friend! For player 1, use 's' and 'd' for don hits and 'a' and 'f' for kat notes. For player 2, use 'j' and 'k' for don hits and 'h' and 'l' for kat hits.
You must have cmu_112_graphics.py in the same directory as the main.py file. Additionally, you must have pygame==2.1.2 installed.
There is no additional installments needed to run this application beyond downloading the necessary packages and libraries. To run the application in its full form, run main.py.
Beyond creating more interactive sprites and note indicators, the most important improvements would not be possible without a stronger engine, as the framerate is already compromised given python and cmu_112_graphics' capabilities.