GraphQL is an API query language. It provides a runtime to describe and query the data, no matter what the storage engine is.
GraphQL's benefits include
Typed data Get what you asked for Multiple data requests in one call One endpoint, changes in API are now bit easier Subscriptions etc. For example, consider a system similar to a social network where we have users and they have other users as friends. Following entity will completely encapsulate the data model; how it is going to be dealt in Back End and Front End, we will see after that.
type User {
id: String!
fullName: String
name: Name
email: String!
friends: [User]
type Name {
first: String
last: String
For this data description, the front end will sent the request to data as follows:
user(id: "5a826fdf9856ad6503d728d5") {
name {
friends {
And will receive the response as follows:
"data": {
"user": {
"id": "5a826fdf9856ad6503d728d5",
"name": {
"first": "Stanton",
"last": "Hansen"
"email": "[email protected]",
"friends": [
"id": "5a826fdf0d054a6fab7bb067",
"email": "[email protected]"
"id": "5a826fdf0d054a6fab7bb067",
"email": "[email protected]"
And the good part is that the data can be from any interface, be it the RDBMS, NoSQL DB, a File or even in-memory operation.
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