Very simple in-memory key-value cache with time-to-live (TTL) support.
Based on ConcurrentHashMap
The library uses kotlin.time.Duration
API it provides a nice DSL to manipulate time durations.
Each object in the cache has its own time to live (TTL).
Objects with an expired TTL are stored in the cache, but will then be deleted the first time they are accessed.
The cache is manually cleared of obsolete objects or when the maximum size is reached when new objects arrive.
A simple capacity limit -- objects over the specified capacity are not cached. In this case, the cache will try to delete objects with an expired TTL and place a new object in the cache.
The default is no cache size limit.
Add library to your project dependencies:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.tim4dev:ttl_cache:VERSION"
val cache = TtlCache.Builder()
.maxCacheSize(100) // The default is no cache size limit
Data classes, for example
data class SomeData(
val id: Int,
val name: String
data class OtherData(
val description: String,
val sum: Double
Data layer
import kotlin.time.Duration
class Repository(
private val cache: TtlCache
) {
private enum class CacheType(
val mapKey: String,
val ttl: Duration
) {
SOME_DATA("loadSomeData", 1.minutes + 30.seconds),
OTHER_DATA("loadOtherData", 5.minutes);
suspend fun loadSomeData(): List<SomeData>? {
* If the object is not obtained from the cache,
* then "loader" will be run to obtain the object from the external source.
* The resulting object will be cached.
return cache.getOrLoad(
key = CacheType.SOME_DATA.mapKey,
timeToLive = CacheType.SOME_DATA.ttl // TTL for caching the object loaded
) {
// loader
suspend fun loadOtherData(): OtherData? {
return cache.getOrLoad(
key = CacheType.OTHER_DATA.mapKey,
timeToLive = CacheType.OTHER_DATA.ttl
) {
suspend fun loadRemoteSomeData(): List<SomeData>? { ... }
suspend fun loadRemoteOtherData(): OtherData? { ... }
val cache = TtlCache.Builder().build()
key = "SomeData_key",
value = SomeData(...),
timeToLive = 5.minutes + 30.seconds
key = "OtherData_key",
value = OtherData(...),
timeToLive = 10.minutes
key = "AnotherData_key",
value = AnotherData(...),
timeToLive = INFINITE // TTL will never expire
val dataSome = cache.get<SomeData>("SomeData_key")
val dataOther = cache.get<OtherData>("OtherData_key")
val dataAnother = cache.get<AnotherData>("AnotherData_key")
cache.removeExpired() // remove all expired objects
cache.clearCache() // remove all objects, after that the cache is empty
Copyright (c) 2023 Yuriy Timofeev. Distributed under the Apache License 2.