An awesome list about the pattern-based live coding system TidalCycles (or just 'Tidal' for short) and its close relatives
- - the 'official' documentation, still a work-in-progress, please contribute if you can!
Community links, including online and potentially in-person meets
Forums, chat systems and other online communities
- Tidal Club forum - web forum, all questions welcome!
- Tidal discord - chat server, lots of channels for discussion, collaboration and help
Software, apps and scripts for expanding the capabilities of TidalCycles.
- Shabda - a tool for assembling and sharing packs of found audio samples, for use with tools like TidalCycles and Estuary.
- Tidal sound explorer - a tool for analyzing and exploring a libarary of audio samples on a 2D plane
- SuperDirt - the 'default' way to make sound with TidalCycles
- Dirt - the original Tidal sampler, still works well, especially on older/lower-powered computers
- SuperDirtMixer - a mixer ui that helps to realize tonal depth, clean frequency separation and a stereo panorama in SuperDirt.
- Tidal looper - live sampling in superdirt/tidalcycles
- TidalVST - Using Supercolliders VSTPluginController to control VST plugins (synths only) with TidalCycles.
TidalCycles is the original flavour, implemented in Haskell. There is also:
- Estuary - web-based network music system, includes-'mini tidal'
- Kidal - Tidal port to Kotlin
- Piratidal - Tidal port to Clojure
- Strudel - Tidal port to Javascript, with growing web audio and UI ecosysystem
- Jaffle - Strudel via YAML
- Tranquility - Tidal port to Lua
- Vortex - Tidal port to Python
Sample packs ready to be used with TidalCycles
- Dirt-Samples - the default SuperDirt samples
- Clean-Samples - samples with clear provenance and license info (generally a permissive creative commons licence) managed by the community
- tidal-drum-machines - A huge collection of drum machines for SuperDirt
Video archives and key videos related to TidalCycles
- Awesome Livecoding - The looong list of live coding stuff
- Awesome Creative Coding - Creative Coding, Generative Art, Interaction Design, Resources.
- Awesome Audio visualization - A curated list about Audio Visualization.
- Awesome Music - A categorized collection of awesome music libraries, tools, frameworks and software.
- Awesome Live Coding Music - A curated list of awesome Music Live Coding Music environments, libraries and talks.
- Programming Languages Used for Music - An historical list of languages to produce music.
- awesome-musicdsp - A curated list of Oli Larkin's favourite music DSP and audio plug-in frameworks.
- Awesome SuperCollider - A curated list of SuperCollider stuff.
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.