Doctor Help is an open source online web health service with a dark mode twist. At it's core, dr-help is an online tool for booking your next doctor visits.
The following instructions will help you make your own copy of the source code, and as a developer provide an outline with installation steps. For a user experience, check out the deployment section, provided further down below.
As a developer, here's what you'll need to install the app, and how to run it.
To run the project, follow the steps below.
Back end:
- Download the main repository via your preferred choice, eg. by git cloning
- Run pgAdmin4 and create a new database 'dr_help'.
- Open up your IDE and import as maven project, from dr_help root and run
- Alternatively, go to the dr_help subfolder, with cmd run:
mvn compile
mvn exec:java<br/>
checkout to react/drhelp_react subfolder with npm cmd
npm install
npm start
- On the other hand, app is also deployed via heroku on
- Deployment repo: