In this work, we propose the first input denoising technique (CodeDenoise) for on-the-fly improve performance of deep code models. It consists of randomized-smoothing-based mispredicted input identification, attention-based noise localization, and MCIP-based noise cleansing. Our extensive study on 18 deep code models demonstrates the effectiveness and efficiency of CodeDenoise, significantly outperforming the widely-used fine-tuning technique.
See Zhao Tian, Junjie Chen, et al. "On-the-fly Improving Performance of Deep Code Models via Input Denoising." The 38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'23).
The folder structure is as follows.
|-- AuthorshipAttribution
| |-- code
| |-- dataset
| `-- weights
|-- Cplusplus1000
| |-- code
| |-- dataset
| `-- weights
|-- DefectPrediction
| |-- code
| |-- dataset
| `-- weights
|-- FunctionalityClassification
| |-- code
| |-- dataset
| `-- weights
|-- Java250
| |-- code
| |-- dataset
| `-- weights
|-- Python800
| |-- code
| |-- dataset
| `-- weights
|-- python_parser
| |-- __pycache__
| |-- parser_folder
| |--
| |--
| `--
Our experiments were conducted under Ubuntu 20.04. We have made a ready-to-use docker image for this experiment.
docker pull tianzhao1020/code_denoise:v1.0
Then, assuming you have NVIDIA GPUs, you can create a container using this docker image. An example:
docker run --name=code_denoise --gpus all -it --mount type=bind,src=./code_denoise,dst=/workspace tianzhao1020/code_denoise:v1.0
We use tree-sitter to parse code snippets and extract identifiers. You need to go to ./python_parser/parser_folder
folder and build tree-sitter using the following commands:
Statistics of datasets and of target models.
We used 3 state-of-the-art pre-trained models (i.e., CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, and CodeT5) and 6 code-based datasets (i.e., Authorship Attribution, Defect Prediction, Functionality Classification C104, Functionality Classification C++1000, Functionality Classification Python800, and Functionality Classification Java250) in our study. These models and datasets have been widely used in many existing studies on evaluating the robustness of deep code models. By fine-tuning each pre-trained model on each dataset, we obtained 18 deep code models as the subjects in total in our study.
All the subjects can be found in container.
Let's take the CodeBERT and Defect Prediction task as an example.
The code/saved_models
folder contains fine-tuned deep code models and fine-tuned MCIP models.
The dataset
folder contains the training and evaluation data for fine-tuning the pre-trained deep code models and MCIP models.
Run python in each directory to denoise the mispredicted input code snippets for deep code models.
E.g., run the following commands to denoise the mispredicted input code snippets (CodeBERT x Defect Prediction).
cd /root/CodeDenoise/DefectPrediction/code/;
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --model_name=codebert --theta=1 --N=1;
We are very grateful that the authors of Tree-sitter, CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, and CodeT5 make their code publicly available so that we can build this repository on top of their code.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant Nos. 62322208, 62002256, and CCF Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program (by CAST), and NSF Nos. 1901242, 1910300.