This is a project using MATLAB to make a comparison between two methods of the nonlinear optimization: Sequential Quadratic Programming and Semismooth Newton.
|-- SQP-vs.-Semismooth-Newton
|-- tex
|-- test
|-- problem_...
|-- ...
|-- problem_...
|-- extras
|-- test-populator
|-- src
|-- data
|-- main
The main directory SQP-vs.-Semismooth-Newton contains two subdirectories, three Matlab files, one config file and this README file.
The three Matlab files are:
(The implementation of SQP method) -
(The implementation of Semismooth Newton method) -
(The implementation of Active Set Strategy)
The two subdirectories are:
Directory tex contains the LaTeX files for the bachelor thesis.
Directory test contains MATLAB and Java files for the test.
The MATLAB files in this directory with the prefix
can be used to run all the test files. -
Each test problem as MATLAB test file can be found in the different subdirectories. Every test problem get his own directory.
The directory test_populator contains source code in Java to create all the MATLAB test files.
The directory extras here contains other MATLAB files needed for the test or for the results interpretation.