All experiment notebooks are in experiments directory. To run them ou might have to move them to root directory first and then run them.
Also some of them were not run after the recent changes. (probably should not include this in final version).
Proposal is in proposal directory.
Final Report is in report directory.
tranfer knowledge from one player to other.
- Command to generate bk2 given a trained model:
python main.py --command record --bias False --capture_movement True --record_path /tmp/record/ --render True --model_path experiments/final_models/unbiased_capture_movement/A2C_GUILE.zip --state guile.state
- Command to tune model using optuna, for all states:
It uses Bayesian Hyper parameter tuning from BoTorch sampler.
python main.py --command tune --n_jobs 4 --bias False --capture_movement True
for one state:
python main.py --command tune --bias True --capture_movement True --n_jobs 1 --state chunli.state --model_path experiments/final_models/bias_capture_movement/A2C_CHUNLI.zip --trials 4
Currently range of hyperparameters to train are hardcoded in tuner class. Those are
'gamma': trial.suggest_loguniform('gamma', 0.8, 0.85),
'learning_rate': trial.suggest_loguniform('learning_rate', 1e-4, 4e-4),
'gae_lambda': trial.suggest_uniform('gae_lambda', 0.8, 0.9)
- Command to train model, for all states:
python main.py --command train --bias True --capture_movement False --n_jobs 1
for one state
python main.py --command train --bias True --capture_movement False --n_jobs 1 --state guile.state
Currently all model params are hardcoded in main.py itself for training and ease of training.
- Command to fine tune a trained model for a state:
python main.py --command fine_tune --model_path experiments/final_models/biased_capture_movement/A2C_CHUNLI.zip --state chunli.state --bias True --capture_movement True
- Command to add a new environment:
python -m retro.import .
- Command to generate mp4 from bk2
python -m retro.scripts.playback_movie *bk2