Coffeescript Maven Plugin
Changes from 1.1.x versions: CoffeeScript files are joined together by default by JoinSets. JoinSets now contain Maven FileSets instead of listing Requires Java5 or above Creates a minified version using the Closure Compiler
Add the main plugin elements: groupId, artifactId, and version
Add the execution goal
Configure the destination of the resultant js files
Specify bare (see coffeescript compiler documentation)
It can be tough to debug compilation errors with the files joined together. If you would like to compile the Files individually true
Finally, add JoinSets. The id of the joinSet will be the name of the resultant javascript file.
The output directory for an individual joinsets can also be overridden by setting inside the element.
Optionally, specify a minified file location. It defaults to: ${}/coffee/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.min.js
Finally, you can specify a directory of files to minify into one file,
or a fileset of files to minify into one file
An Example Build Section: