Clip is a tool that allows you to see the state of all your git branches at a glance.
Due to the collaborative nature of git; over time one begins to accumulate quite a few local and remote branches. Keeping track of what branch needs to be merged, has already been merged, and what branches need a pull can tax the little grey cells.
git clip
is designed to help elevate this pain by providing a clear view
of all your local and remote branches.
Each branch is annotated like so
branch-name (commits-added/commits-behind) [name-of-tracking-remote]
- This is the name of our local branchcommits-added
- This is the number of commits added to our branch. If this number is zero, this branch has no new commits, or has already been merged so it's safe to delete.commits-behind
- This is the number of commits behind master. If this number is anything but zero you should rebase this
- This is the name of the remote branch your local branch is tracking
Following the branch annotation is a list of remotes. Wherever a remote branch matches our local branch it is listed with an indicator of how many commits ahead or behind our local branch is relative to the remote branch.
Over time you can collect a large number of branches left on a remote repo.
makes cleaning up these branches simple. It will only ever ask
you to delete branches that are on the remote, and will never ask to delete tracked
branches even if the local branch name differs from the remote branch name.
Download prebuilt binaries
# Untar in git's exec path
cd `git --exec-path`
tar -vzxf clip-v0.2.0-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
go install
Link the binaries to git's exec path
GIT_EXEC=`git --exec-path`
ln -s $GOPATH/bin/clip $GIT_EXEC/git-clip
ln -s $GOPATH/bin/clip-remote $GIT_EXEC/git-clip-remote