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CouchBase k6 extension

K6 extension to perform tests on couchbase.

Currently Supported Commands

  • Supports inserting a document.
  • Supports Batch insertion.
  • Supports findOne (Fetch by primary key)
  • Supports deleting a document by id
  • Supports upserts
  • Testing query performance
  • Prepared statement query performance

Build Instructions

  • Install xk6 using (go install

For Development

git clone [email protected]:thotasrinath/xk6-couchbase.git
cd xk6-couchbase
xk6 build --output xk6-couchbase --with

For Use

xk6 build --with


Document Insertion Test

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {

    let doc = {
        correlationId: `test--couchbase`,
        title: 'Perf test experiment',
        url: '',
        locale: 'en',
        time: `${new Date(}`
    client.insert("test", "_default", "_default", makeId(15), doc);

function makeId(length) {
    let result = '';
    const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
    const charactersLength = characters.length;
    let counter = 0;
    while (counter < length) {
        result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
        counter += 1;
    return result;
Below is the example commands to test the script
# Update examples/test-insert.js with cluster credentials and bucket name
 ./xk6-couchbase run --vus 10 --duration 30s examples/test-insert.js

Batch Insert Documents

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');

const batchsize = 50;

export default () => {

    var docobjs = {}

    for (var i = 0; i < batchsize; i++) {
        docobjs[makeId(15)] = getRecord();

    client.insertBatch("test", "_default", "_default", docobjs);

function getRecord() {
    return {
        correlationId: `test--couchbase`,
        title: 'Perf test experiment',
        url: '',
        locale: 'en',
        time: `${new Date(}`


function makeId(length) {
    let result = '';
    const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
    const charactersLength = characters.length;
    let counter = 0;
    while (counter < length) {
        result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
        counter += 1;
    return result;

Exists test

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {
    // syntax :: client.exists("<db>", "<scope>", "<keyspace>", "<docId>");
    var res = client.exists("test", "_default", "_default", "002wPJwiJArcUpz");

FindOne test

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {
    // syntax :: client.findOne("<db>", "<scope>", "<keyspace>", "<docId>");
    var res = client.findOne("test", "_default", "_default", "002wPJwiJArcUpz");

Document Deletion Test

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {

    client.remove("test", "_default", "_default", "002wPJwiJArcUpz", doc);

Query test

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {
    var res = client.find("select * from test._default._default  use keys \"00096zszpZaT47X\"");



Query using a prepared statement

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {
    var res = client.findByPreparedStmt("select * from test._default._default  use keys \"00096zszpZaT47X\"");



Upsert test

Initial data load is expected. Data with sequential Id's could be generated with below script. File - examples/load-sequential-data.js

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';
const jobConfig = {
    vus: 10,
    count: 10000
export const options = {
    scenarios: {
        contacts: {
            executor: 'per-vu-iterations',
            vus: jobConfig.vus,
            iterations: jobConfig.count
const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default function () {
    let doc = {
        correlationId: `test--couchbase`,
        title: 'Perf test experiment',
        url: '',
        locale: 'en',
        time: `${new Date(}`

    let docId = ((__VU - 1) * jobConfig.count) + __ITER;
    client.insert("test", "_default", "_default", String(docId), doc);

Upsert test script to generate random id in range and excute Upsert. File - examples/test-upsert.js

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';
import {randomIntBetween} from '';

const client = xk6_couchbase.newClient('localhost', '<username>', '<password>');
export default () => {

    let doc = {
        correlationId: `test--couchbase`,
        title: 'Perf test experiment',
        url: '',
        locale: 'en',
        time: `${new Date(}`,
        randomNo: randomIntBetween(0,1000000)
    client.upsert("test", "_default", "_default", String(randomIntBetween(0, 100000)), doc);

Client with options

Default NewClient is a good start to get familiar with the extension with little wiring and get going. For refined flexibility of connection management during the tests, following additional interfaces are provided:

  • NewClientWithSharedConnection: Shares a single connection across all the VUs and maximizes the QPS without affecting client resources.
  • NewClientPerVU: Creates new client connection for each VU. Useful for testing max number of connections that the cluster can handle.

In addition to controlling number of connections, both the functions provide:

  • Ability to pre-warm the buckets as part of initialization.
  • Ability to set timeout duration for bucket readiness (WaitUntilReady timeout).
  • Ability to control the connection buffer size. By default couchbase client uses 20MB buffer size which limits the number of concurrent connections that can be created by a single client instance.

Example for wiring client with shared connection across VUs

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const dbConfig = { hostname: 'localhost', username: '<username>', password: '<password>' };
const bucketsToPreWarm = ['test'];
const client = xk6_couchbase.newClientWithSharedConnection(dbConfig, bucketsToPreWarm, "5s");
export default () => {
    // syntax :: client.findOne("<db>", "<scope>", "<keyspace>", "<docId>");
    var res = client.findOne("test", "_default", "_default", "002wPJwiJArcUpz");

Example for wiring client with unique connections per VUs

import xk6_couchbase from 'k6/x/couchbase';

const dbConfig = { hostname: 'localhost', username: '<username>', password: '<password>' };
const bucketsToPreWarm = ['test'];
const client = xk6_couchbase.newClientPerVU(dbConfig, bucketsToPreWarm, "5s");
export default () => {
    // syntax :: client.findOne("<db>", "<scope>", "<keyspace>", "<docId>");
    var res = client.findOne("test", "_default", "_default", "002wPJwiJArcUpz");