autoprint is a shell script for autoamtically printing email-attachments to a printer
supported file types: pdf,jpg,png supported printers: all postscript printers ... you can add multiple printer-types with cups
it does automatically print all attachments of the given e-mail addresses
files: autoprint .... shell script autoprint.cfg ... config file
the config file has 1 configline per e-mail containing the following parameters:
param 1: mail-server
param 2: mail-address
param 3: password
param 4: printserver
param 5: printqueue
param 6: attachment types (.pdf.jpg.gif.png)
param 7: copies
param 8: keep mail on Server (Y/N)
param 9: folder (optional parameter if folder is set only this mail-folder will be downloaded
we use syslog logging... if you want to put all printlogging to a customized file add the following line to /etc/rsyslog.cong: :msg, contains ," autoprint-logging:" /var/log/autprint.log
Attention: don't forget to config the logrotate !