Popeye 4.77
This is Release 4.77 of Popeye.
Downloading Popeye
Popeye executable
In order to use Popeye, you want to download an executable program or the source code to build an executable program yourself.
Windows 64bit: pywin64.exe
Windows 32bit: pywin32.exe
MacOS X: pymacos
Linux: popeye-4.77-sources.zip
Instead of download the source zip archive, you can also clone the git repository or (I assume) use one of the Source Code links below.
Usage guide
Download the usage guide in your favourite language:
py-engl.txt (English)
py-deut.txt (Deutsch)
py-fran.txt (Français)
Example input files
The example input file archives will help you input problems correctly:
popeye-4.77-examples.zip (English as input language)
popeye-4.77-beispiel.zip (German)
Changes since Popeye 4.75
New features
Fairy condition
- Lost Pieces
Bug fixes
- ChineseChess: pawn promotion to chinese piece types absent from board was not possible
- TransmutingKings didn't properly transmute to Queen because of an "optimisation"
- NorskChess: castling must turn the rook into a bishop
- Intelligent mode: option nocastling was mis-interpreted
- twinnings by substitution weren't correctly taken back; subsequent twins were therefore handled incorrectly
- "funny" solving behaviour in "battle play" problems with pawn promotions as defences
- indication of the position: capital letters were not accepted as file indication (e.g. KA2)
Other fixes
- clarified misunderstandings regarding Maximummer and BlackMaximummer in the docs and by producing an additional error message
- help the user find erroneous piece indications (e.g. Xb1) with an added error message