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Jose de Villa National High School Web API

Step by step local developement setup

  1. Download and install latest NodeJS LTS.
  2. Install VS Code text editor.
  3. Install Git. Refer to this video for further reference.
  4. Clone Project in VS Code. Refer to this video.
CTRL + Shift + P
Search for Git Clone then paste:
  1. Open VS Code terminal and install all dependencies in package.json. (Make sure to have yarn installed in your system)
yarn install
  1. Install PostgreSQL Database. Refer to this video. Take note of your login credentials.
    • Create database jdvnhs_db
  2. Navigate to the root of the project and create a .env file. Follow the format of the .env.example file and fill up the database credentials.
  3. Run database migrations and seed files.
yarn knex migrate:rollback --all && yarn knex migrate:latest && yarn knex seed:run
  1. Run the project. Open VS Code terminal.
yarn dev
  1. Open Chrome and visit http://localhost:PORT/v1/. Change the PORT based on .env file, defaults to 4000.


  1. Fork this project on your account.
  2. Refer to this video tutorial.