Interpolactic takes the pain out of Coroutine animations by bundling the boilerplate of a time-based IEnumerator into a composable, reusable builder. The actual Coroutine is then wrapped in a Runner object that offers a kit of utility methods to control playback.
The beauty of Interpolactic is that the caller declares the implementation by defining what happens at every time step. All Interpolactic needs is a function or closure that acts upon a time value ranging from 0 to 1.
- Animate anything: Interpolactic doesn't limit users to acting on common types such as float and color.
- Playback utilities: Pause and resume Interpolactic animations with ease.
- Fire and forget: Keep animations going indefinitely with options to loop and ping-pong.
- Composable: Animations are composed via method chaining, so you only need to pass the arguments you care about.
Fading in a CanvasGroup:
new Interpolation(t => canvas.alpha = t)
Moving a Transform:
new Interpolation(t => transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, t))
Ping-pong an animation indefinitely:
new Interpolation(t => transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, t))
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details