Assignments from the Coursera course "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies"
You will be responsible for creating a file called that implements the following API:
public interface Node {
// NOTE: Node is an interface and does not have a constructor.
// However, your class requires a 4 argument
// constructor as defined in the provided
// This constructor gives your node information about the
// simulation including the number of rounds it will run for.
/** {@code followees[i]} is true if this node follows node
*{@code i}
void setFollowees(boolean[] followees);
/** initialize proposal list of transactions */
void setPendingTransaction(Set<Transaction> pendingTransactions);
* @return proposals to send to my followers. REMEMBER: After
* final round, behavior of {@code getProposals} changes and
* it should return the transactions upon which consensus has
* been reached.
Set<Transaction> sendToFollowers();
/** receive candidates from other nodes. */
void receiveFromFollowees(Set<Candidate> candidates);