This code is for demonstration purposes only.
Download latest Development Build of Open Liberty from and store the file locally.
Edit pom.xml and replace the path in
with your local path. -
Build the project, deploy to Open Liberty and start the server:
mvn package liberty:start-server
Rebuild project and redeploy (keep server running):
mvn package liberty:install-apps
An executable JAR containing both Open Liberty and the application can be found in target/server-samples.jar
Test requests:
- curl http://localhost:9080/server-samples/api/registrations
- curl http://localhost:9080/server-samples/api/registrations -d '{"name": "Donald Duck"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -i
- curl http://localhost:9080/server-samples/api/registrations/1 -X PATCH -d '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/name", "value": "Daisy Duck"}]' -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -i
- curl http://localhost:9080/server-samples/api/sse/ -F 'event=Das ist Event 1' -i
- curl http://localhost:9080/server-samples/api/sse/broadcast -F 'event=Das ist Event 1' -i