- yore.py - I need a script to automatically create a linux machine for programming. apt-get, pip, db, and vim plugins.
- Latest http://www.ubuntu.com/ LTS version
- Python 2.7.x
- git
- non privileged user - usually called ubuntu
- add user: sudo useradd -m ubuntu
- copy/paste the below command if you don't have a local mirror
- apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y install wget python && wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/thesheff17/yore/master/yore.py && python yore.py run
- copy/paste the below command if you do have a local mirror
- apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y install wget python && wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.github.com/thesheff17/yore/master/yore.py && python yore.py apt-mirror && python yore.py run
- set a ubuntu password if you don't already have one set
- passwd ubuntu
- log out and log back in to make sure the .bashrc settings take effect
- This only goes for LXD/LXC instances. If you ran lxc exec name /bin/bash you really don't have a standard TTY. You should ifconfig and get the ip of the server and ssh into it. ssh ubuntu@ipAddress. This way vim will load full screen.
- create a new virtualenv
- mkvirtualenv test
- install the packages
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- start flask app
- python app.py
- used after a virtualenv is already created
- workon test