This is a demo site that demonstratse how a 3rd party Translation API can be integrated into a Wagtail Site.
is a fully translatable page, where changes made to the English text are detected and sent to a 3rd party translation API (Gengo). When translations are returned, it is updated in the database and displayed in the user's language.lang_bar.html
demonstrates how you can make a language dropdown on your site to allow your users to choose which language they would like to use.- Languages you wish to support can be added to
git clone <\insert_clone_url\>
cd translation-flow
python3 -m venv plab/env
source plab/env/bin/activate
pip install wagtail
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install wagtail-modeltranslation
cd translation-flow
source plab/env/bin/activate
python runserver
Then, navigate to to see CMS!
username: admin password: policylab
python makemigrations
python migrate
Found at translation-flow/db.sqlite3
The table home_transhomepage
stores text for /home page.
Try replacing python with python3!