Fossil is yet another framework built on top of Backbone.JS.
It aims at easing and speed up development of large single page applications, because developping Backbone application should all be about creating Views, Models and Collections.
Fossil provides modular organization, productive views, powerful communication features and lot more...
- Get started in a minute following simple examples.
- Annotated sources are available thanks to docco.
- samples are provided to show examples of what you can achieve with Fossil.
- Run tests in your browser.
If you use bower:
bower install fossil-core --save
Git install:
$ git clone && cd ./fossil-core && npm install
Fossil is available as both amd module and standalone build.
<div id="l-wrap">
as standalone build
<script src="../bower_components/fossil-core/fossil-core.gz.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<!-- as AMD build -->
You are encouraged to combine requirejs with your configuration and
kernel. It makes html the same for production and development
Have a look to
<script src="../bower_components/requirejs/require.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
baseUrl: './',
paths: {
'jquery': 'bower_components/jquery/jquery',
'underscore': 'bower_components/underscore/underscore',
'backbone': 'bower_components/backbone/backbone',
'fossil': 'bower_components/fossil-core/src',
'fossil/views': 'bower_components/fossil-view/src'
shim: {
'underscore': {exports: '_'},
'backbone': {deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'], exports: 'Backbone'}
Fossil is an open source project licensed under the MIT license. See
file for more informations.
$ npm test
It launches a local server and watcher to build project automaticaly.
$ npm start
project is available under http://localhost:8000