RuntimeMapper is a Swift library to dynamic mapping with json or class. this library using Runtime to dynamically setting a property. this library for now under development.
- Define Model Class
class Blog {
var id: Int = 0
var url: String = ""
var name: String = ""
var value: Float = 0
var isSecret: Bool = true
- Single Json
let jsonSigleString =
"id": 111,
"url": "",
"name": "Roadfire Software Blog",
"value": 1231.11,
"isSecret": false
let runtimeMapper = RuntimeMapper()
if let blog = try? runtimeMapper.readSingle(from: jsonSigleString, initializer: Blog.init) {
print("id: \(")
print("url \(blog.url)")
print("name: \(")
print("value: \(blog.value)")
print("isSecret: \(blog.isSecret)")
- Array Json
let jsonArrayString =
"id": 111,
"url": "",
"name": "Roadfire Software Blog",
"value": 1231.11,
"isSecret": false
"id": 123,
"url": "",
"name": "thekan",
"value": 21312.11123,
"isSecret": true
if let blogs = try? runtimeMapper.readArray(from: jsonArrayString, initializer: Blog.init) {
blogs.forEach {
print("id: \($")
print("url \($0.url)")
print("name: \($")
print("value: \($0.value)")
print("isSecret: \($0.isSecret)")
- Nested Json
let jsonNestedString =
"name": "thekan",
"age": 24,
"blog": {
"id": 111,
"url": "",
"name": "Roadfire Software Blog",
"value": 1231.11,
"doubleValue": 123213.12322,
"isSecret": false
"blogArray": [{
"id": 111,
"url": "",
"name": "Roadfire Software Blog",
"value": 1231.11,
"doubleValue": 123213.12322,
"isSecret": false
"id": 111,
"url": "",
"name": "article blog",
"value": 1231.11,
"doubleValue": 123213.12322,
"isSecret": false
let runtimeMapper = RuntimeMapper()
runtimeMapper.register(key: "blog", classType: Blog.self, parseType: .single)
runtimeMapper.register(key: "blogArray", classType: Blog.self, parseType: .array)
if let user = try? runtimeMapper.readSingle(from: jsonNestedString, initializer: User.init) {
print("name: \(")
print("age: \(user.age)")
print("blog name: \(")
print("blog id: \( ?? -1)")
user.blogArray.forEach {
print("[array] name: \($")