Moving? Changing your address? This checklist will help you discover what needs to be considered when your address changes.
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Pull requests are welcome! You can add country-specific examples.
- Your federal revenue service or agency
- 🇨🇦 Canada Revenue Agency (note: there are different accounts for individuals and businesses)
- 🇨🇦 Revenue Quebec
- Municipal property tax
- P.O. Box
- Electronic mail
- Elections registration
- 🇨🇦 This is usually tied to your tax return
- Driver's licence
- Vehicle permit
- Provincial or Territorial ID Card
- Hunting or firearms licence
- Health card
- Passport
- Social insurance
- 🇨🇦 Your social insurance address is tied to the Canada Revenue Agency
- Library card
- Family doctors
- Specialist clinics
- Pharmacy
- Veterinarian and pet ID chips
- Daycare centres
- Emergency contact information
- School, college, or university
- Emergency contact information
- Provincial, Territorial, or Federal loans provider
- Employer
- Payroll system
- Group or individual benefits
- HR system
- Clients and invoices
- Pension plan
- Investment portfolio
- Home
- Automobile
- Health, life
- Homeowner or renter's insurance
- Bank accounts
- Credit cards
- Bank or credit-union cards
- Branded credit cards
- Loan issuers (automobile finances, line of credit, mortgage, etc)
- Contactless payment services
- Investment portfolio
- Remittance provider
- Will
- Beneficiaries and successor holders for registered accounts
- Home warranty
- 🇨🇦 Tarion
- Utilities
- Electrical
- water
- gas
- heating
- Connected services
- TV or cable subscription
- Home phone
- Cell phone
- Fax
- Internet
- Home monitoring
- Transit card
- Cleaning service
- Driveway snow shoveling
- Child carseat registration
- Other warranty or product registration
- Municipal, government, accounts, or related services
- Car title / registration
- Lease or financing
- Warranty
- Online shopping, home delivery programs (includes address for saved credit card details)
- Loyalty programs
- Warranties
- Magazine subscriptions
- Charities
- Product registrations (for recall notices)
- Domain registrar
- Cell phone Wi-Fi calling and emergency settings
- Trusted friends or family