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theepicsnail edited this page Apr 8, 2011 · 4 revisions

An event is a dictionary. It contains any information the Connector decides to put into it.

The life cycle of an event:

  1. The Connector gets an event (a webpage hit, or an irc message for example)
  2. The Connector then builds a dict that contains all the information related to the event that plugins should get access to
  3. The Connector passes it to its EventHandler (provided by the Core)
  4. In the Core the event gets passed to the PluginManagers GetMatchingFunctions, and a list of (function,instance) that are listening for this event are returned.
  5. The event is extended with "response":[[ResponseObject]], "self":instance
    • This is where a service could possibly add more?
  6. Each of the functions are paired with the event, and enqueued in the PluginDispatcher
  7. A PluginDispatcherWorkerThread pulls the (function,event) tuple off the queue
  8. Read PluginDispatcherWorkerThread to see what happens from this point on. The event is done with its life here.


None at the moment


Event Diagram

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