Use the version of Node
nvm use
Now install dependencies
yarn install
Start the project and navigate to in your browser
yarn start
To update your name in the chat room, use the command \update-name or \un, eg
\update-name Bandit
To update your font-color, use the command \update-color or \uc, eg
\update-name red
Only red, green, blue available; default black
This example also demonstrates running a WebSocketServer, Rest API and Static content service, from one server. eg, will bypass the static content and use the TestController This is achieved with the following setup in app.module.ts
imports: [
rootPath: join(__dirname, '..', 'client'),
exclude: ['/api*']
controllers: [TestController],
providers: [TestService]
export class AppModule {}
Include a module, just for the purpose of seeing the difference between creating a module See the app.modules now includes MyModule. This module contains its own controllers and services folder, as opposed to running from /src