I'm a Backend Engineer specializing in Python and Rust, passionate about building efficient and scalable applications.
- 🌍 I'm based in Pokhara, Nepal
- 🏢 Currently working at wesionaryTEAM
- 🌐 Personal website: adhikariarjun.com.np
- 📝 I write articles on pythonislove.com
- 💼 Connect with me on LinkedIn
- 🐦 Follow me on X/Twitter
Here are some of my notable projects:
- awesome-django-blogs: A curated list of blogs about Django and related technologies.
- java-notes: Complete Java notes for colleges in Nepal.
Feel free to explore these repositories and contribute!
I'm always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas, or opportunities to be part of your visions. Reach out to me through LinkedIn or X/Twitter.
flowchart LR
%% Define subgraphs for clarity
subgraph Explore_Arjun's_World
direction TB
A[🔍 **Explore Arjun's GitHub** 🚀] --> B[📂 **Browse Repositories**]
B --> C[✨ **Discover Projects**]
subgraph Engage_with_Arjun
direction TB
D[💼 **Connect on LinkedIn**] --> E[🐦 **Follow on X/Twitter**]
E --> F[📖 **Read Articles on pythonislove.com**]
subgraph Collaborate_and_Grow
direction TB
G[🤝 **Contribute to Projects**] --> H[📘 **Learn from Java Notes**]
H --> I[🐍 **Enhance Python Skills**]
%% Main flow
Start[🌟 **Begin Your Journey**] --> Explore_Arjun's_World
Explore_Arjun's_World --> Engage_with_Arjun
Engage_with_Arjun --> Collaborate_and_Grow
Collaborate_and_Grow --> Success[🏆 **Achieve New Heights!**]
%% Clickable links
click A "https://github.com/thearjun" "Arjun's GitHub Profile"
click D "https://www.linkedin.com/in/thearjun" "Arjun's LinkedIn"
click E "https://twitter.com/iArjunAdhikari" "Arjun's X/Twitter"
click F "https://pythonislove.com" "Python Is Love Articles"
click H "https://github.com/thearjun/java-notes" "Java Notes Repository"
%% Styling
style Explore_Arjun's_World fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Engage_with_Arjun fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Collaborate_and_Grow fill:#bfb,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
style Success fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px