Featured as the Top Note Taking App of 2021 By LeapDroid Media London.
An Android Application that Converts Text to Handwriting that looks and feels the same as if the text is written by hand.
Students sometimes find writing notes and homework all by hand tough due to reasons like time etcetera. To ease their work, Take Notes will provide them ready to submit handwritten texts.
Android Phones running Android 7 and up (Nougat SDK = 24+) will run TakeNotes.
This project is developed using the following technologies:
- Android Studio
- Java
- Kotlin
- Firebase
- Fork this repository
- Clone it, on your local server
- Create a branch with your feature
- Commit the changes
- 'Push' your branch
- Go to Pull Requests of the original project and create a pull request with your commit, try adding relevant comments too.
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.