This guide is intended mainly to help all the people that want to make some modifications into flat assembler source, port it to another operating system, or add some features. But it may also become helpful for the people who want to write their own assembler or compiler and want to see how was it done in this case. The reader is expected to know assembly language enough to read some small piece of assembly code and understand what it does.
Altough there are almost no comments inside the source of flat assembler, the detailed labels are usually enough to navigate through this source, because in most cases they explain what exactly does the piece of code that is following them. These names will be our navigational points in the source, so it’s better not to change them if you want to use this guide.
In the SOURCE directory you can find many files with .INC extension an a few subdirectories. Files in the root of SOURCE directory form the “core” of FASM and are OS-independent, so they are common for all versions of the program. Core is written in the way which allows to compile it in both 16-bit or 32-bit mode, but it always uses the 32-bit addressing and therefore it needs a flat memory space to be provided.
Each subdirectory contains the files dedicated to one operating system. This is the “interface” of FASM. It mediates between the core and the OS, prepares the memory and files for the core and displays the messages during and after the assembly.
FASM uses two continuous block of memory for all its operations, we will call them the main and additional memory block. The first version of FASM was designed for DOS and it was allocating the free extended memory as a main memory block and the free conventional memory as a additional memory block.
Other versions allocate one big memory block and divide it into two parts, with main memory block seven times bigger than additional memory block. This proportion could be changed, but the additional block doesn’t need to be as large as the main block.
Core uses both those block from the bottom and from the top. When the highest used address from the bottom meets the lowest used address from the top in the same block, core calls the error handler in the interface with the “out of memory” message. The data structures that are contained inside those blocks will be described in later chapters.
The core of FASM consists of four modules:
- preprocessor
- parser
- assembler
- formatter
They should be called by interface exactly in this order after the memory blocks are allocated and the names of source and output files are prepared. When an error occurs during the execution of one of these modules, the OS-dependent error handler in the interface is called to display the appropriate message and terminate the program. If everything is successful, interface displays the summary message and exits.
The first module in order is preprocessor.
- It loads all the source files into main memory block
- interpretes its sets of directives
- processes the macroinstructions and symbolic constants
- also separates the words and special characters in the lines and removes the spaces that were between them
- When it’s finished with all the loaded files the source is ready to be processed by parser
The parser module converts the source into FASM’s internal code, all assembly language keywords are replaced with short codes, also each labels is replaced with it’s unique identificator.
The assembler module intepretes the code generated by parser to generate the output code. It may take many passes the correctly resolve all the values, but these passes are quite fast, because all the most time consuming tasks related to string comparisions are already done by parser.
When the assembler finishes its job, the formatter creates the output file in the selected format and fills it with the generated code.
This chapter describes all the functionality OS-dependent interface needs to provide and should be the most helpful for the ones wanting to port FASM to some operating system other than those for which interfaces already exist. The following information applies to each version of the interface, unless it is said otherwise.
Each interface subdirectory contains FASM.ASM file, which is the main file that has to be assembled into the final executable. All other source files are referred by this one using the INCLUDE directive.
The main file should contain all the structures needed to create valid executable for the appropriate operating system. The main routine of program should allocate needed memory blocks, interprete the program arguments and then call the core modules. After finishing the assembly process it usually also displays some message about generated code before exiting. The files containing core are included right after this code.
The main file should also contain declarations for all the uninitialized data variables that core is using. These declarations should be copied exactly in the form they occur in the main file of each interface. They should be put into executable structure in such way that they won’t take any space in the executable file.
Other files in the interface subdirectories (usually it’s the SYSTEM.INC file) contain the OS-specific procedures that can be used both by the interface or core. The procedures that have to be called by core should stricly follow the rules that will be described later, because the core will expect them to behave in the same way no matter on what OS it is running. Other procedures can be specific to interface as they will be called only by files designed for the chosen operating system.
As it was said in previous chapter, FASM needs two continuous blocks of memory. Interface usually contains the “init_memory” routine, which is called just after the start of program. This routine allocates the needed memory and fills the [memory_start] and [memory_end] variables with pointers to the first byte of main memory block and to the first byte after the main memory block. In the same way it fills the [additional_memory] and [additional_memory_end] variables with the pointer for start and end of the additional memory block.
If program needs to free the allocated memory before exiting, it should do it in the “exit_program” routine which is called by interface after displaying the final messages. This routine restores all the system resources that need to be restored and exits the program. It has one argument, provided in AL register, which is the exit code that should be passed to OS. If OS accepts exit code larger than the byte, the value of AL should be zero-extended to fit the needed size. When this routine is called after the successful assembly, the exit code is set to 0.
At the beginning interface calls also its own routine called “get_params”. This procedure converts the command line arguments into separated zero-ended string. If OS already does it for program, no such routine is needed. When parameters are ready, interface checks whether there are valid parameters and fills the [input_file] and [output_file] variables with the pointers to first and second parameter. If there is no second parameter specified, [output_file] variable should be set to zero. If there is no parameters or there are too many of them, interface jumps to “information” routine, which displays the information about program usage and exits by jumping to the “exit_program” routine with the exit code set to 1.
The most important group of routines that is used by core are the file operations. “open” and “create” routines need a pointer to zero-ended file name to be provided in EDX (both slashed and backslashed should be interpreted as a path separators; if system does not support some of them, the conversion of path must be done first). The first one opens the file for reading, the second one creates the file for writing. Both set the CF to 0 and return the file handle in EBX when the operation is succesful, otherwise CF is set 1. These functions should not modify the ESI, EDI and EBP registers.
“read” routine reads the bytes of count given in ECX from the file handle given in EBX into the buffer pointed by EDX. “write” writes the bytes of count given in ECX from the memory pointed by EDX into handle given in EBX. Both these functions clear CF if operation is succesful or set it otherwise. These functions should leave the EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI and EBP unmodified.
“close” closes the handle given in EBX, it should keep the ESI, EDI and EBP unchanged.
“lseek” moves the current position in file of handle given in EBX, EDX contains the amount of bytes by which the position should be moved and AL contains the identifier of the origin for the move (0 means the beginning of file, 1 means current position, 2 means the end of file). It should return the new position from the beginning of file in EAX and leave the EBX, ESI, EDI and EBP unchanged.
The “get_environment_variable” function should search the system environment for the variable of zero-ended name pointer by ESI and store its value in the buffer pointer to by EDI. The buffer is limited only by the top of the main memory block, that is by [memory_end] variable. The function should return the EDI pointing to the first byte after the last one filled with value of environment variable, if no variable of given name was found, the empty value should be used, that is EDI should be left unchanged.
The “make_timestamp” routine should return the valid timestamp in the EAX. This value should contain current system time converted to the number of seconds since the 1-1-1970 00:00:00 (some operating systems already use the timestamp format for the system time, so the conversion is not needed there). This procedure is used by formatter.
There are two procedures in the interface that are called in case of the error during the compilation. They should display the appropriate message and then exit by calling the “exit_program” with appropriate exit code. The pointer to the zero-ended string describing the error that occured is stored on the stack (pointed by ESP), because each such string follows the CALL instruction which executes the error handler in interface. So the address stored on stack will be the word value if executable uses 16-bit code or double word value if executable uses 32-bit code.
The “fatal_error” routine is called when some error occurs that is not related to any particular line of source. This handler should just display the message of address stored on the stack and then call the “exit_program” with the exit code 255.
The “assembler_error” routine is called when error that occured is related to the line of source that was currently processed. This handler not only displays the message from address on the stack, but also displays detailed information about the line in which an error occured. To understand how it works, the knowledge about the preprocessed source format is needed, and it will be described in next chapter. But usually it should be enough to copy the standard handler that is used in the same form by Win32 and Linux version and should be OS-independent if only executable uses 32-bit code and all needed interface routines are provided. It uses some of the routines for the file operations that were already described, and also some displaying routines that are described below. After displaying all messages this handler jumps to the “exit_program” routine with the exit code 2.
Interface defines also the “dm” macro that is then used to define all error messages. For the standard error handlers it defines the message as zero-ended string.
Interface contains a few routines for displaying messages, but only one is needed and used by core, it’s “display_block” procedure, which is called by assembler to display the user messages from source. The address of data that should be displayed is provided in ESI, ECX contains the amount of bytes to display. Core doesn’t need any register to be preserved by this routine, but because it is also used by standard error handler, it should leave EBX register unmodified for it.
All other display routines are used by the standard error handler and should preserve the EBX register. “display_string” displays the zero-ended string pointed by ESI, “display_character” displays the single character from DL, “display_number” displays the value of EAX as a decimal number.
This chapter describes the first of core modules, which is called just after the interface have completed all its initial tasks. The purpose of this module is to load the source into memory, separate and enumerate all source lines and process the special set of directives which we will call the preprocessor directives. Some of these directive define the symbolic contants and macroinstruction, and the task of replacing them with appropriate values in source is also performed by preprocessor. Only one pass is applied to the whole source at this stage, each line is scanned for directives, symbolic constants and macroinstructions right after it is separated from the source file, and all tasks are done on it before reading the next line.
When interface calls the preprocessor module, it is expected to have already allocated the needed memory blocks, the [memory_start] and [memory_end] variables should contain the addresses of the beginning and the end of main memory block, the [additional_memory] and [additional_memory_end] variables should contain such addresses for the additional memory block. [input_file] variable should contain the pointer to zero-ended name of source file.
All the preprocessing job is done by the routine called “preprocessor”. At startup, it receives through the interface the value of the INCLUDE environment variable and stores it in the beginning of main memory block, and then updates [memory_start] variable to point to the first free byte after this value. This new starting point of main memory block is then used as an origin of buffer where the preprocessed code will be stored. During the preprocessing the pointer to the place in this buffer where the data of preprocessed line will be stored is kept in EDI register, initially it is equal to the [memory_start] variable. To do the actual preprocessing, “preprocess_file” routine is called, it needs an EDI to point to the current position in main memory block where the lines have to be stored, ESI to point to the name of source file and EBX to contain handle of this file already opened for reading. It returns control to main routine after preprocessing all lines from that file, the EDI register is updated to point to the first free byte after the last preprocessed line.This value is later used by parser module as a pointer to the place where the parsed source will be stored, for this purpose it is stored in [source_start] variable.
The “preprocess_file” routine uses the file handle stored in EBX register to load the contents of at the end of main memory block and then it closes the handle. The [memory_end] variable is updated to point to the first byte of loaded source, because during the preprocessing it should be always a valid pointer to the end of free memory - after the preprocessing of file is done, the [memory_end] is restored to the previous value. The data loaded from file is followed by one additional byte, which is the ASCII end of file marker (value 1Ah). This byte is recognized by preprocessor as the place where it should end preprocessing the file, if such byte is encountered before the actual end of file, the rest of file will not be preprocessed at all.
After reading the source comes the “preprocess_source” loop. While in this loop, the ESI register points to the source that has yet to be preprocessed, EDI points to the place where the next preprocessed line will be stored, ECX contains line counter, EBX points to the beginning of loaded file that is currently preprocessed (when entering the loop, it is the same as ESI) and EDX points to the name of this file. The values of EBX, ECX and EDX are needed only for the purpose of building the header of each preprocessed line. This header is 16 bytes long and consists of four double word values, in the table 3.1 you can see its layout.
Table 3.1 Header of preprocessed line loaded from source
Offset | Value |
+ 0 | pointer to the name of file, from which the line was loaded |
+ 4 | line number in bits 0-30, the highest bit zeroed |
+ 8 | offset of line inside the file |
+ 12 | reserved, set to zero |
After making the header for line, the “convert_line” routine is called, which processes one line from source (all bytes from where the ESI points up to the line break or EOF character) and converts it into data portions that follow the line header. They are line elements of different types, followed by single zero byte, which marks the end of preprocessed line (the header of next line will follow this byte immediately).
Any chain of characters that have no special meaning, separated from other similar chains with spaces or some other special characters, is converted into symbol element. The first byte of this element has the value of 1Ah, the second byte is the count of characters, followed by this amount of bytes, which build the symbol.
Some characters have a special meaning, and cannot occur inside the symbol, they split the symbols and are converted into separate line elements. These characters are defined by the “symbol_characters” list, first byte of this data structure is the count of characters that follow. Some of those characters do not become a line element, but have some special meaning for preprocessor: spaces and tabs are stripped, line breaks are converted into zero byte that ends the chain of line elements, semicolon is stripped with all the bytes that follow it up to the end of line and backslash causes the following line break to be ignored. All other characters from that list are converted into symbol characters, which are line elements consisting of only one byte each, with the value the same as original character. For example, if source contains this line of text:
mov ax,4
preprocessor will convert it into the chain of bytes, shown here with their hexadecimal values (characters corresponding to some of those values are placed below the hexadecimal codes):
1A 03 6D 6F 76 1A 02 61 78 2C 1A 01 34 00
m o v a x , 4
The last type of element that can be found in preprocessed line is the quoted text. This element is created from chain of any bytes other than line breaks that are placed between the single or double quotes in the original text. First byte of such element is always 22h, it is followed by double word which specifies the number of bytes that follow, and the value of quoted text comes next. For example, this line from source:
mov eax,'ABCD'
will be converted into (the notation used is the same as in previous sample):
1A 03 6D 6F 76 1A 03 65 61 78 2C 22 04 00 00 00 41 42 43 44 00
m o v e a x , A B C D
This data defines two symbols followed by symbol character, quoted text and zero byte that marks end of line.
There is also a special case of symbol with first byte having the value 3Bh instead of 1Ah, such symbol means that all the line elements that follow, including this one, have already been interpreted by preprocessor and should be ignored by later modules. Such symbol cannot ocur in the data created by “convert_line” routine, but after “convert_line” has done it’s job inside the “preprocess_source” loop, the “preprocess_line” routine is called, and the purpose of this routine is to recognize some special directives and macroinstructions, and - if they occur in line - interprete them and update the line data accordingly.
The “convert_line” routine can modify the ECX register used by “preprocess_source” loop - this happens in case of lines concatenated with backslash character, “convert_line” makes one line out of them, but updates the ECX register accordingly.
There are few data structures that are used by “preprocess_line” procedure when scanning the already converted line for directives or some user-defined symbols like symbolic constants or macros. First one is the static table “preprocessor_directives”, followed by the list of symbols that are recognized as directives. Each entry in this list begins with byte containing the length of symbol in characters, then this amount of bytes that define the symbol, and then 16-bit value, which defines and offset relative to the “preprocessor” label, which points to the routine that handles this directive.
The second structure is build during the preprocessing and contains the list of all macroinstructions defined in source. This structure is placed at the bottom of additional memory block and ends at address stored in the [free_additional_memory] variable, which points to the first free byte after the table of macroinstruction. Each entry in this table is 8 bytes long, the first double word contains the hash of macroinstruction name, the second double word contains an address to the first character of the name of macroinstruction. The hash value is made by the “hash_macro” procedure, which needs ESI to point to the name, CL to contain the length of name and CH to be zero, except for the lowest bit, which is the flag set in case of the structure macroinstruction (the one defined with “struc” directive). The “hash_macro” procedure returns in EAX the value that is then stored as the first double word of the entry in table of macroinstructions - it contains the length of name in bits 0 to 7, structure flag in bit 8 and the 22-bit hash created with FNV-1a algorithm in the bits 10 to 31 (bit 9 is reserved, possibly for another flag). This information is enough to recognize and apply the macroinstruction, because the name pointed by the second doulbe word of entry in the table is the one inside the line which defined that macroinstruction, so it is followed by the next elements of line, in particular by the whole definition (possibly spanning multiple lines).
The third structure is stored at the top of additional memory blocks and is the table of symbolic constants. Each entry in this table is 16 bytes long, first double word contains the hash of constant name, second the address of constant name, third the length of the value of constant in bytes, and fourth is the pointer to the value of constant (as this value is inside the already preprocessed line, it is composed of line elements). The hash value is made by the “hash_constant” routine, called with EBX pointing to the name of constant, CL containing the length of name and CH zeroed except for the lowest bit, which is the flag set in the case of prioritized constant (the one defined with “fix” directive). It returns in EAX value to be stored as the first double word of the entry in table, the structure of this value is very similar to the one used for macroinstructions - it contains the length of name in the lowest 8 bits, the FNV-1a hash in the highest 22 bits and the priority flag in bit 8.
The table of symbolic constants is pointed to by the [labels_list] variable, and this address is moved down while the new entries are added to the table. To summarize: at the beginning of additional memory block (the address stored in [additional_memory] variable) starts the table of macroinstructions and ends at the [free_additional_memory] address, free memory follows and ends at the [labels_list] address, the table of symbolic constants follows and ends at the [additional_memory_end] address.
The “preprocess_line” procedure is called after the source line has been already completely converted into format described earlier. It has to preserve the ECX and ESI registers for the “preprocess_source” loop, and it should keep the EDI register pointing to the first byte after the data of preprocessed line. When entering “preprocess_line”, the EDI register already points to the first byte after the end of line data created by “convert_line” and if no more preprocessing is done on this line, the EDI should be left unchanged. However “preprocess_line” might alter some of the data portions inside the line and the length of data might change - in such case EDI needs to be updated.
The pointer to the line that needs to be preprocessed is stored in the [current_line] variable, the “preprocess_line” checks whether this line contains some data that needs to be further preprocessed, and in such case performs the appropriate tasks and updates the line with the changed data. These tasks include interpretation of preprocessor directives and expanding the macroinstructions and symbolic constants. If some directive is detected, preprocessor jumps to the handler of such directive. Each directive handler ends with the jump to the “line_preprocessed” label and the EDI should contain a valid pointer to the first byte after the preprocessed line when performing this jump.
The first check that is done by “preprocess_line” is the check for definition of prioritized constants - to detect such definition preprocessor checks whether the first two data portions are symbols, and whether the second symbol is the word “fix”. If such situation is detected, preprocessor jumps to the “define_fix_constant” handler. Otherwise it calls the “process_fix_constants” routine, which checks the line for occurences of prioritized symbolic constants and if any are found, it replaces them with their values.
After the processing of prioritized constants is finished, the main check for directives and macroinstructions comes. There is also “process_concatenations” routine called in the mean time, but only in case of preprocessing the line that is generated by macroinstruction - it will be explained in details later.
If the first element of line is the symbol, preprocessor checks whether is it a directive with the “get_symbol” routine. This procedure needs ESI to point to the data of symbol, ECX to contain the length of symbol and EDI to point to the table of symbols that have to be recognized. Each entry in that table begins with one byte containing the length of symbol, then this amount of bytes containing the symbol itself and then one 16-bit word containing identifier of the symbol. In case of directives the identifier is the address of directive handler relative to the beginning of preprocessor module. If symbol is found in the table, the “get_symbol” clears the carry flag and returns the found identifier in AX. Also it leaves the ESI pointing to the first byte after the symbol data (in this case - to the next element of line). Otherwise it sets the carry flag and leaves the ESI and ECX unchanged.
When the symbol is recognized as directive, its first byte is replaced with the value 3Bh, what causes the rest of given line to be ignored by the parser. Then preprocessor jumps to the directive handler with ESI pointing to the first line element after the directive symbol.
When symbol is not a directive, the further checking is done - this time to detect, whether this symbol has been defined as macroinstruction. This one is performed by calling the “get_macro” procedure. It needs CL to contain the length of symbol, ESI to point to the symbol data and CH to contain the structure flag - when CH is set to 1, it searches for the structure macro of given name, otherwise it searches for the standard macro of such name. In this case the CH is zeroed, since the first symbol in line can only be a standard macroinstruction. The “get_macro” sets the carry flag when no macroinstruction of given name exists, otherwise it clears the carry and returns in EBX the pointer to found entry in table of macroinstructions. If the symbol is recognized as macroinstruction, preprocessor replaces its first byte with the value 3Bh and jumps to the “use_macro” handler.
If the given symbol is not a macroinstruction, the next element of line is checked. If it is the colon character, the symbol is treated as label (which will be processed later by the parser module). In such case both the label symbol and the colon character are skipped and the checking described above is done again, this time starting from the line element following the colon. Preprocessor treats it as a new starting point of the line and will not return to the skipped part, therefore when skipping the label symbol, it checks it for the event of being a symbolic constant, and in such case replaces the label symbol with the value of constant, shifting the rest of line (and the new starting point for line preprocessing) if necessary - the whole task of skipping the label symbol is done by the subroutine starting at “preprocess_label” label.
If the first element of line is a symbol, but is not recognized by any of the checks mentioned above, preprocessor goes to the second element. When it is also a symbol, it is first checked to be the symbolic constant definition directive. In such case it jumps to the “define_equ_constant” handler, otherwise it uses the “get_macro” procedure again, this time with CH set to 1 in order to find out whether the structure macroinstruction of given name exists. If none is found, it jumps to the “not_preprocessor_symbol” label - what means that the line contains instructions that will go through the parsing process - and finally calls the “process_equ_constants” procedure. This routine needs ESI to point to the first element of line which has to be processed and EDI to the first byte after the end of line, it replaces all the symbolic constans in the line with their values and updates the EDI accordingly if the length of line has changed because of this operation.
In case, when the structure macroinstruction is encountered, preprocessor changes the line data to make the first element of line be parsed as a label and the rest of line to be ignored by parser. When the first element is not a symbolic constant, it’s enough to put the colon character in the place of first byte of the second symbol and then the 3Bh byte and the length of second symbol shortened by one. The symbol containing name of structure macroinstruction is destroyed this way, but it doesn’t matter, since it had been recognized by preprocessor already, and parser will not do anything more than skip it, which will work correctly even in case of zero-length symbol (what can happen when the macroinstruction name was one character long). In case, when the first symbol is a symbolic constant, there is no need to modify the second symbol, since the rest of line data has to be shifted anyway. So the preprocessor shifts all the line elements starting from the second symbol by the appropriate amount, so the value of symbolic constant, the colon character and the zero-length symbol starting with 3Bh byte all will fit just before the rest of line data. When the line is ready, preprocessor jumps to the “use_macro” handler, with the [struc_name] variable containing the pointer to the structure label (the first element of line).
As it was stated in previous section, when preprocessor recognizes the first element of line to be the directive, it marks such symbol by replacing the initial byte with value 3Bh and then jumps to the handler of recognized directive. The ESI points to the first element of line following the directive symbol, the EDI points to the first byte after the line data, what also means the first byte after the already prepared source. The directive handler may add even the whole new lines there and update the EDI. After peforming all its task, the handler should jump to the “line_preprocessed” label, with the correct pointer in EDI register.
The “include_file” handler performs the inclusion of additional source files. After finding the file specified by the directive parameters, it calls the “preprocess_file” routine (since handler itself is executed by the subroutine called from the “preprocess_file” procedure, this is a recursion process, limited in depth only by the available stack space) to make the source lines out of it and place them in the area pointed to by EDI register.