This OCR module is intended to retrieve the texts, tables from the images or pdf files using Deep Learning Models developed by Paddle OCR ( This library employs several models for detection, recognition, layout parsing, just to name a few. Based on this library, we wrote a wrapper to process the documents.
It can be installed using pip.
pip install [email protected]:the-deep-nlp/ocr-extractor.git
The OCRProcessor class can be used as follows:
ocr_processor = OCRProcessor(
lang: str -> The language of the document (e.g. 'en')
precision: str -> 'fp16' Use lower value to optimize the floating point used during processing
extraction_type: enum[int] (1 - 4)
show_log: boolean -> To show the log or not (default: False)
layout: boolean -> Whether to processor the layout of the documents (default: True)
use_s3: boolean -> To use s3 for storage (default: False)
s3_bucket_name: str -> Name of the bucket in s3 if use_s3 is True (default: None)
s3_bucket_key: str -> Key name in s3 if use_s3 is True (default: None)
process_text: boolean -> To extract text contents from the images / scanned document (default: True)
process_table: boolean -> To extract the tables from the images / pdf / scanned document (default: True)
aws_region_name: str -> AWS region (default: 'us-east-1')
models_base_path: str -> local location of the models (default: '/ocr/models/')
file_path: str -> File path which needs to be processed,
is_image: boolean -> Whether the used file is an image (True) or a pdf (False)
result = await ocr_processer.handler()
Since few methods used are co-routines in this library, you need to use async
to execute the co-routine, otherwise co-routine objects are only returned without being processed.
The result
object is a dictionary consisting of few key-value pairs:
"text": list[objects],
"image": list[objects],
"table": list[object]
The text
value is a list of objects whose format is:
'page_number': int,
'order': int,
'content': str
The image
value is a list of objects whose structure is:
'page_number': int,
'images': list[str] # The strings are the urls
The table
value is a list of objects whose structure is:
'page_number': int,
'order': int,
'content_link': str (url),
'image_link': str (url)