Sequential and parallel implementation (with MPI) of k-NN.
- If your gcc version is previous than gcc-7, then change it in the Makefile
- Type
to compile all implementations, ormake test_<exec_name>
to compile only one implementation - Execution:
- Sequential:
./test_sequential arg1 arg2 arg3
- Synchronous:
mpirun -np <number_of_processes> ./test_synchronous arg1 arg2 arg3
- Asynchronous:
mpirun -np <number_of_processes> ./test_asynchronous arg1 arg2 arg3
- Sequential:
The three arguments, are the n (number of data per-process), d (dimensions), k (kNN-neighbors) values accordingly. If no arguments are included at the run command, then the executable will run with default values.