========================= Requirements to Run ================================
Node.js Mongodb Express Socket.io Knockout
========================= Instructions ====================================
- clone repository
- Goto CPSC473Project2 folder
- open command prompt and type the follow commands
- If Package.json not working, run the following commands
a. npm install —-save mongodb
b. npm install —-save express
c. npm install —-save mongodb
d. npm install —-save socket.io
======================== To Run TPIR =======================================
- Open 3 command console windows
- On Command console window1, type mongod and press enter
- On Command console window2, type node server.js and press enter
- On Command console window3, type mongo and press enter
- In mongo shell (window3), type: show dbs
- type: use pricesDB (to ensure db has loaded the images)
- click on index.html and enjoy!
========================= Notes/Comments ==================================
- Minimum of 5 players with a maximum of 3 rounds per 5 players, any excess players will be pooled as a spectator (limited view)
- imagesForDB contains Images needed for the game
- images are named with the format imagename$price.jpg to allow database to parse images name contents and add to database
- Winners Circle (final round not implemented)