A Terraform module to provision an ECS Cluster that uses flog to randomly generate HTTP, HTTP-Error and Syslog events that are pushed to Datadog by the Datadog ECS Agent.
The ECS cluster runs four tasks: http
, http-error
, syslog
, datadog-agent
With a default configuration you should expect around 400million log events per day or 40GB.
- A Datadog account
- Terraform >=0.11
- Python >=3.4
cd terraform
terraform init
terraform apply
Note: You will be prompted for required variables including your Datadog API key.
At this point you should have logs flowing into Datadog and they should be visible in your log dashboard.
To be able to use the benchmarking script you must first setup a log pipeline for each ECS task (log type). The pipeline and associated Grok log parser will parse the log events into attributes, eg it will turn this:
[2019-05-04T14:55:12Z] [dolor:crit] [pid 1289:tid 3984] [client:] Use the auxiliary RSS firewall, then you can connect the cross-platform microchip!
Into this:
"client": "dolor",
"date": 1556981712000,
"ip": "",
"level": "crit",
"message": "Use the auxiliary RSS firewall, then you can connect the cross-platform microchip!",
"pid": 1289,
"tid": 3984
Three log generator tasks run as part of the ECS cluster:
You need to setup a pipeline for each task in the log pipelines dashboard:
- Add a pipeline with a filter to filter on the ECS task name:
- The values should be one of
- The values should be one of
- Name the filter appropriately for each ECS task:
You need to setup a grok parser for each task in the log pipelines dashboard.
Eg, for each pipeline created previously:
Add a grok parser with one of the following stanzas:
- http
Rule %{ip:ip} - %{word:UserAgent} %{integer:} \[%{date("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"):date}\] "%{word:method} %{data:path}" %{integer:response_code} %{integer:response_bytes}
- http-error
Rule \[%{date("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"):date}\] \[%{word:client}:%{word:level}\] \[pid %{number:pid}:tid %{number:tid}\] \[client: %{ip:ip}\] %{data:message}
- syslog
Rule \<%{number:}\>%{date("MMM dd HH:mm:ss"):date} %{word:user} %{data:exception}: %{data:message}
You should now see attributes for each log type in the log dashboard
See this example http-error log, attributes are displayed at the bottom:
If not you'll need to tweak your log pipelines and parsers until you can confirm that attributes are being parsed correctly, before moving on to benchmarking.
An example Python3 CLI script is included to provide basic benchmarking accross different timeframes. You'll need to fill out the API and APP key variables on lines 7-8.
Note: The script relies on attributes being correctly parsed through the log pipelines. If you have not yet setup log pipelines and parsers as part of the configuration you will not be able to run benchmarking successfully.
The script will perform three searches across each of the following timeframes:
- now - 1h
- now - 12h
- now - 1d
- now - 2d
- now - 4d
- now - 8d
- now - 16d
For each timeframe it will first retrieve 1000 ip addresses from the ip attribute of the task_name: http
task. Three of those ip addresses are selected at random and a subsequent plain-text search is performed for matching similar ip addresses.
The results of each search are displayed for every timeframe.
As Datadog does not provide any performance data or query execution time in their API, the requests
library elapsed.total_seconds()
call has been used to provide an approximation. These results should certainly not be considered accurate query times. However they provide a way to identify patterns in total response time from the API over different timeframes.
Note: Remember to fill out the API and APP key variables on lines 7-8.
Using Timeframe: now - 1h
Searching for: 4.161.16.* 8 results 0.424911 seconds
Searching for: 181.136.136.* 2 results 0.38215 seconds
Searching for: 4.162.128.* 2 results 0.351771 seconds
Using Timeframe: now - 12h
Searching for: 234.76.84.* 3 results 0.37513 seconds
Searching for: 56.147.145.* 5 results 0.355831 seconds
Searching for: 20.212.123.* 6 results 0.358365 seconds
Using Timeframe: now - 1d
Searching for: 105.229.26.* 14 results 0.486284 seconds
Searching for: 101.71.113.* 10 results 0.595983 seconds
Searching for: 196.82.246.* 9 results 0.746434 seconds
Using Timeframe: now - 2d
Searching for: 62.136.24.* 24 results 1.752162 seconds
Searching for: 172.84.241.* 18 results 1.193873 seconds
Searching for: 135.203.203.* 22 results 1.511429 seconds
Using Timeframe: now - 4d
Searching for: 26.148.248.* 41 results 2.264032 seconds
Searching for: 139.233.12.* 39 results 2.548176 seconds
Searching for: 144.96.127.* 52 results 3.088091 seconds
Using Timeframe: now - 8d
Searching for: 41.143.156.* 82 results 4.156319 seconds
Searching for: 134.141.41.* 78 results 5.825342 seconds
Searching for: 106.7.87.* 85 results 3.075591 seconds
Using Timeframe: now - 16d
Searching for: 187.86.72.* 162 results 10.946819 seconds
Searching for: 36.230.60.* 130 results 10.65015 seconds
Searching for: 118.167.62.* 116 results 8.269539 seconds