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File metadata and controls

1733 lines (1136 loc) · 68.2 KB



License: Apache Version 2

new WOQL()

The WOQL object is a wrapper around the WOQLQuery object Syntactic sugar to allow writing WOQL.triple()... instead of new WOQLQuery().triple() Every function matches one of the public api functions of the woql query object


WOQL.using(refPath, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Query running against any specific commit Id

Param Type Description
refPath string path to specific reference Id or commit Id
[subquery] WOQLQuery subquery for the specific commit point


let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c")
WOQL.using("userName/dbName/local/commit|branch/commitID").triple(a, b, c)


WOQL.comment(comment, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Adds a text comment to a query - can also be used to wrap any part of a query to turn it off

Param Type Description
comment string text comment
[subquery] WOQLQuery query that is "commented out"

select ⇒ WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
varNames string | Var only these variables are returned


let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c"), triple(a, b, c))
Filters the query so that only the variables included in [V1...Vn] are returned in the bindings


WOQL.distinct(varNames) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Filter the query to return only results that are distinct in the given variables

Param Type Description
varNames string | Var these variables are guaranteed to be unique as a tuple


WOQL.and(...subqueries) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Logical conjunction of the contained queries - all queries must match or the entire clause fails

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery object containing the conjunction of queries

Param Type Description
...subqueries WOQLQuery A list of one or more woql queries to execute as a conjunction


//find triples that are of type scm:Journey, and have
//a start_station Start, and that start_station is labeled Start_Label
let [Journey, Start, Start_Label] = vars("Journey", "Start", "Start_Label")
     WOQL.triple(Journey, "rdf:type", "@schema:Journey"),
     WOQL.triple(Journey, "start_station", Start),
     WOQL.triple(Start, "label", Start_Label))




Use read_document instead.


WOQL.read_document(IRI, output) ⇒ object

Read a node identified by an IRI as a JSON-LD document

Returns: object - WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
IRI string The document id or a variable to read
output string Variable which will be bound to the document.


let [person] = vars("Person")
const query = WOQL.read_document(
const res =  await client.query(query);


WOQL.insert_document(docjson, [IRI]) ⇒ object

Insert a document in the graph.

Returns: object - WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
docjson object The document to insert. Must either have an '@id' or have a class specified key.
[IRI] string An optional identifier specifying the document location.


const res = await client.query(
   WOQL.insert_document(WOQL.doc({ "@type" : "Person", "label": "John" }))


WOQL.update_document(docjson, [IRI]) ⇒ object

Update a document identified by an IRI

Returns: object - WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
docjson object The document to update. Must either have an '@id' or have a class specified key.
[IRI] string An optional identifier specifying the document location.


WOQL.delete_document(IRI) ⇒ object

Delete a document from the graph.

Returns: object - WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
IRI string The document id or a variable


WOQL.or(...subqueries) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a logical OR of the arguments

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery object containing the logical Or of the subqueries

Param Type Description
...subqueries WOQLQuery A list of one or more woql queries to execute as alternatives


let [Subject] = vars("Subject")
  triple(Subject, 'label', "A"),
  triple(Subject, "label", "a")


WOQL.from(graphRef-, [query]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Specifies the database URL that will be the default database for the enclosed query

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the from expression

Param Type Description
graphRef- typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string
[query] WOQLQuery The query


WOQL.into(graphRef-, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Specifies the graph resource to write the contained query into

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which will be written into the graph in question

Param Type Description
graphRef- typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string
[subquery] WOQLQuery The query which will be written into the graph


//Subq is an argument or a chained query
using("admin/minecraft").into("instance/main").add_triple("a", "rdf:type", "@schema:X")
//writes a single tripe (doc:a, rdf:type, scm:X) into the main instance graph


WOQL.triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a triple pattern matching rule for the triple [S, P, O] (Subject, Predicate, Object)

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal


WOQL.added_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a triple pattern matching rule for the triple [S, P, O] (Subject, Predicate, Object) added in the current layer

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal


WOQL.removed_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a triple pattern matching rule for the triple [S, P, O] (Subject, Predicate, Object) added in the current commit

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal


WOQL.quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph)

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal
graphRef typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string


WOQL.added_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef-) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph) removed from the current commit

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal
graphRef- typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string


WOQL.removed_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef-) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph) removed from the current commit

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal
graphRef- typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string


WOQL.sub(classA, classB) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if ClassA subsumes ClassB, according to the current DB schema

Returns: boolean - WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
classA string ClassA
classB string ClassB


WOQL.eq(varName, varValue) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Matches if a is equal to b

Param Type Description
varName string | Var literal, variable or id
varValue string | Var literal, variable or id


WOQL.substr(string, before, [length], [after], [substring]) ⇒ WOQLQuery


Param Type Description
string string | Var String or variable
before number | Var integer or variable (characters from start to begin)
[length] number | Var integer or variable (length of substring)
[after] number | Var integer or variable (number of characters after substring)
[substring] string | Var String or variable


WOQL.get(asvars, queryResource) ⇒** **WOQLQuery


Use the document inteface to import documents

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the get expression

Param Type Description
asvars Vars | array.<Var> an array of AsVar variable mappings (see as for format below)
queryResource WOQLQuery an external resource (remote, file, post) to query


let [a, b] = vars("a", "b")
get(as("a", a).as("b", b)).remote("")
//copies the values from column headed "a" into a variable a and from column
//"b" into a variable b from remote CSV


WOQL.put(varsToExp, query, fileResource) ⇒** **WOQLQuery


Use the document inteface to import documents

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the put expression
Put: Outputs the results of a query to a file

Param Type Description
varsToExp Vars | array.<Var> an array of AsVar variable mappings (see as for format below)
query WOQLQuery The query which will be executed to produce the results
fileResource string an file resource local to the server


let [s, p, o] = vars("Subject", "Predicate", "Object")
WOQL.put("s", s).as("p", p).as("o", o), WOQL.all())

as, target, [type]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Imports the value identified by Source to a Target variable

Param Type Description
source string | number | Var Source
target string | Var Target
[type] string type to cast value to string


let [First_Var, Second_Var] = vars('First_Var', 'Second_Var')"first var", First_Var, "string").as("second var", Second_Var)["first var", First_Var, "string"], ["second var", Second_Var])


WOQL.remote(remoteObj, [formatObj]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Identifies a remote resource by URL and specifies the format of the resource through the options

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the remote resource identifier

Param Type Description
remoteObj object The URL at which the remote resource can be accessed
[formatObj] typedef.DataFormatObj The format of the resource data {}


remote({url:"http://url.of.resource"}, {type: "csv"})

post, [formatObj], [source]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Identifies a resource as a local path on the client, to be sent to the server through a HTTP POST request, with the format defined through the options

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Post resource identifier

Param Type Description
url string The Path on the server at which the file resource can be accessed
[formatObj] typedef.DataFormatObj imput options, optional
[source] string It defines the source of the file, it can be 'url','post'


post("/.../.../", {type:'csv'})


WOQL.delete_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Deletes a single triple from the default graph of the database

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the Triple Deletion statement

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal


delete_triple("john", "age", 42)


WOQL.delete_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Deletes a single triple from the graph [Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph]

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the Delete Quad Statement

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal
graphRef typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string


remove the class Person from the schema graph
WOQL.delete_quad("Person", "rdf:type", "sys:Class", "schema")


WOQL.add_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Adds triples according to the the pattern [subject,predicate,object]

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal


WOQL.add_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef-) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Adds quads according to the pattern [S,P,O,G]

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal
graphRef- typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string


WOQL.trim(inputStr, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Remove whitespace from both sides of a string:

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Trim pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
inputStr string | Var A string or variable containing the untrimmed version of the string
resultVarName string | Var A string or variable containing the trimmed version of the string


let [trimmed] = vars("trimmed")
trim("hello   ", trimmed)
//trimmed contains "hello"


WOQL.evaluate(arithExp, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Evaluates the passed arithmetic expression and generates or matches the result value

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Arithmetic function

Param Type Description
arithExp object | WOQLQuery | string A WOQL query containing a valid WOQL Arithmetic Expression, which is evaluated by the function
resultVarName string | number | Var Either a variable, in which the result of the expression will be stored, or a numeric literal which will be used as a test of result of the evaluated expression


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(plus(2, minus(3, 1)), result)


WOQL.eval(arithExp, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Evaluates the passed arithmetic expression and generates or matches the result value

Returns: WOQLQuery - WOQLQuery

Param Type Description
arithExp object | WOQLQuery | string query or JSON-LD representing the query
resultVarName string | Var output variable

plus ⇒ WOQLQuery

Adds the numbers together

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the addition expression

Param Type Description
...args string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the values to add


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(plus(2, plus(3, 1)), result)


WOQL.minus(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Subtracts Numbers N1..Nn

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the subtraction expression

Param Type Description
...args string | number | Var variable or numeric containing the value that will be subtracted from


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1)), result)


WOQL.times(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Multiplies numbers N1...Nn together

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the multiplication expression

Param Type Description
...args string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the value


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(times(10, minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1))), result)
 //result contains 9.000000000000002y


WOQL.divide(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Divides numbers N1...Nn by each other left, to right precedence

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the division expression let [result] = vars("result") evaluate(divide(times(10, minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1))), 10), result) //result contains 0.9000000000000001

Param Type Description
...args string | number | Var numbers to tbe divided


WOQL.div(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Division - integer division - args are divided left to right

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the division expression

Param Type Description
...args string | number | Var numbers for division


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(div(10, 3), result)
//result contains 3


WOQL.exp(varNum, expNum) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Exponent - raises varNum01 to the power of varNum02

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the exponent expression

Param Type Description
varNum string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the number to be raised to the power of the second number
expNum number a variable or numeric containing the exponent


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(exp(3, 2), result)
//result contains 9


WOQL.floor(varNum) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generates the nearest lower integer to the passed number

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the floor expression

Param Type Description
varNum string | number | Var Variable or numeric containing the number to be floored


let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(divide(floor(times(10, minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1)))), 10), result)
//result contains 0.9 - floating point error removed


WOQL.isa(instanceIRI, classId) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Tests whether a given instance IRI has type Class, according to the current state of the DB

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the type test

Param Type Description
instanceIRI string | Var A string IRI or a variable that identify the class instance
classId string | Var A Class IRI or a variable


let [subject] = vars("subject")
isa(subject, "Person")

like, stringB, distance) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generates a string Leverstein distance measure between stringA and stringB

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Like pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
stringA string | Var string literal or variable representing a string to be compared
stringB string | Var string literal or variable representing the other string to be compared
distance number | string | Var variable representing the distance between the variables


let [dist] = vars('dist')
like("hello", "hallo", dist)
//dist contains 0.7265420560747664


WOQL.less(varNum01, varNum02) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Compares the value of v1 against v2 and returns true if v1 is less than v2

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the comparison expression

Param Type Description
varNum01 string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the number to be compared
varNum02 string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the second comporator


let [result] = vars("result")
less(1, 1.1).eq(result, literal(true, "boolean"))
//result contains true


WOQL.greater(varNum01, varNum02) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Compares the value of v1 against v2 and returns true if v1 is greater than v2

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the comparison expression

Param Type Description
varNum01 string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the number to be compared
varNum02 string | number | Var a variable or numeric containing the second comporator


let [result] = vars("result")
greater(1.2, 1.1).eq(result, literal(true, "boolean"))
//result contains true


WOQL.opt([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Specifies that the Subquery is optional - if it does not match the query will not fail

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the optional sub Query

Param Type Description
[subquery] WOQLQuery A subquery which will be optionally matched


let [subject] = vars("subject")
opt(triple(subject, 'label', "A"))
//Subq is an argument or a chained query
opt().triple(subject, 'label', "A")


WOQL.unique(prefix, inputVarList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generate a new IRI from the prefix and a hash of the variables which will be unique for any given combination of variables

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the unique ID generating function

Param Type Description
prefix string A prefix for the IRI - typically formed of the doc prefix and the classtype of the entity (“doc:Person”)
inputVarList array | string | Var An array of variables and / or strings from which the unique hash will be generated
resultVarName string | Var Variable in which the unique ID is stored


let [newid] = vars("newid")
unique("doc:Person", ["John", "Smith"], newid)


WOQL.idgen(prefix, inputVarList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generate a new IRI from the prefix and concatention of the variables

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the ID generating function

Param Type Description
prefix string A prefix for the IRI - typically formed of the doc prefix and the classtype of the entity (“doc:Person”)
inputVarList array | string | Var An array of variables and / or strings from which the unique hash will be generated
resultVarName string | Var Variable in which the unique ID is stored


let [newid] = vars("newid")
idgen("doc:Person", ["John", "Smith"], newid)


WOQL.upper(inputVarName, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Changes a string to upper-case

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Upper case pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
inputVarName string | Var string or variable representing the uncapitalized string
resultVarName string | Var variable that stores the capitalized string output


let [allcaps] = vars("allcaps")
upper("aBCe", allcaps)
//upper contains "ABCE"


WOQL.lower(inputVarName, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Changes a string to lower-case

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Lower case pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
inputVarName string | Var string or variable representing the non-lowercased string
resultVarName string | Var variable that stores the lowercased string output


let [lower] = var("l")
lower("aBCe", lower)
//lower contains "abce"


WOQL.pad(inputVarName, pad, len, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Pads out the string input to be exactly len long by appending the pad character pad to form output

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Pad pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
inputVarName string | Var The input string or variable in unpadded state
pad string | Var The characters to use to pad the string or a variable representing them
len number | string | Var The variable or integer value representing the length of the output string
resultVarName string | Var stores output


let [fixed] = vars("fixed length")
pad("joe", " ", 8, fixed)
//fixed contains "joe     "


WOQL.split(inputVarName, separator, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Splits a string (Input) into a list strings (Output) by removing separator

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Split pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
inputVarName string | Var A string or variable representing the unsplit string
separator string | Var A string or variable containing a sequence of charatcters to use as a separator
resultVarName string | Var variable that stores output list


let [words] = vars("words")
split("joe has a hat", " ", words)


WOQL.member(element, list) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Matches if List includes Element

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the List inclusion pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
element string | object | Var Either a variable, IRI or any simple datatype
list string | array | Var List ([string, literal] or string*) Either a variable representing a list or a list of variables or literals


let [name] = vars("name")
member(name, ["john", "joe", "frank"])


WOQL.concat(varList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

takes a variable number of string arguments and concatenates them into a single string

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Concatenation pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
varList array | string | Var a variable representing a list or a list of variables or strings - variables can be embedded in the string if they do not contain spaces
resultVarName string | Var A variable or string containing the output string


let [first_name, last_name, full_name] = vars("first_name", "last_name", "full_name")
concat([first_name, " ", last_name], full_name)


WOQL.join(varList, glue, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Joins a list variable together (Input) into a string variable (Output) by glueing the strings together with Glue

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Join pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
varList string | array | Var a variable representing a list or a list of strings and / or variables
glue string | Var A variable (v:glue) or (glue) string representing the characters to put in between the joined strings in input
resultVarName string | Var A variable or string containing the output string


let [sentence] = vars("sentence")
join(["joe", "has", "a", "hat", " ", sentence)


WOQL.sum(subquery, total) ⇒ WOQLQuery

computes the sum of the List of values passed. In contrast to other arithmetic functions, sum self-evaluates - it does not have to be passed to evaluate()

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the Sum expression

Param Type Description
subquery WOQLQuery a subquery or ([string or numeric]) - a list variable, or a list of variables or numeric literals
total string | Var the variable name with the sum result of the values in List


let [total] = vars("total")
sum([2, 3, 4, 5], total)


WOQL.start(start, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Specifies an offset position in the results to start listing results from

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery whose results will be returned starting from the specified offset

Param Type Description
start number | string | Var A variable that refers to an interger or an integer literal
[subquery] WOQLQuery WOQL Query object, you can pass a subquery as an argument or a chained query


let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c")
start(100).triple(a, b, c)


WOQL.limit(limit, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Specifies a maximum number of results that will be returned from the subquery

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery whose results will be returned starting from the specified offset

Param Type Description
limit number | string A variable that refers to an non-negative integer or a non-negative integer
[subquery] WOQLQuery A subquery whose results will be limited


let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c")
limit(100).triple(a, b, c)
//subquery is an argument or a chained query
limit(100,triple(a, b, c))

re, inputVarName, resultVarList) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Matches the regular expression defined in Patern against the Test string, to produce the matched patterns in Matches

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Regular Expression pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
pattern string string or variable using normal PCRE regular expression syntax with the exception that special characters have to be escaped twice (to enable transport in JSONLD)
inputVarName string | Var string or variable containing the string to be tested for patterns with the regex
resultVarList string | array | object | Var variable representing the list of matches or a list of strings or variables


let [All, Sub] = vars("All", "Sub")"h(.).*", "hello", [All, Sub])
//e contains 'e', llo contains 'llo'
//p is a regex pattern (.*) using normal regular expression syntax, the only unusual
thing is that special characters have to be escaped twice, s is the string to be matched
and m is a list of matches:


WOQL.length(inputVarList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Calculates the length of the list in va and stores it in vb

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the Length pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
inputVarList string | array Either a variable representing a list or a list of variables or literals
resultVarName string | Var A variable in which the length of the list is stored or the length of the list as a non-negative integer


let [count] = vars("count")
length(["john", "joe", "frank"], count)


WOQL.not([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Logical negation of the contained subquery - if the subquery matches, the query will fail to match

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the negated sub Query

Param Type Description
[subquery] string | WOQLQuery A subquery which will be negated


let [subject, label] = vars("subject", "label")
not().triple(subject, 'label', label)


WOQL.once([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Results in one solution of the subqueries

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the once sub Query

Param Type Description
[subquery] string | WOQLQuery WOQL Query objects


WOQL.immediately([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Runs the query without backtracking on side-effects

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the immediately sub Query

Param Type Description
[subquery] string | WOQLQuery WOQL Query objects


WOQL.count(countVarName, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a count of the results of the query

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the count sub Query

Param Type Description
countVarName string | number | Var variable or integer count
[subquery] WOQLQuery


let [count, Person] = vars("count", "Person")
WOQL.count(count).triple(Person, "rdf:type", "@schema:Person")


WOQL.typecast(varName, varType, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Casts the value of Input to a new value of type Type and stores the result in CastVar

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the casting expression

Param Type Description
varName string | number | object | Var Either a single variable or a literal of any basic type
varType string | Var Either a variable or a basic datatype (xsd / xdd)
resultVarName string | Var save the return variable


let [time] = vars("time")
cast("22/3/98", "xsd:dateTime", time)


WOQL.order_by(varNames) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Orders the results of the contained subquery by a precedence list of variables

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the ordering expression

Param Type Description
varNames string | Var | array A sequence of variables, by which to order the results, each optionally followed by either “asc” or “desc” to represent order as a list, by default it will sort the variable in ascending order


let [A, B, C] = vars("A", "B", "C")
WOQL.order_by(A, [B, "asc"], [C, "desc"]).triple(A, B, C);


WOQL.group_by(varList, patternVars, resultVarName, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Groups the results of the contained subquery on the basis of identical values for Groupvars, extracts the patterns defined in PatternVars and stores the results in GroupedVar

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the grouping expression

Param Type Description
varList array | string | Var Either a single variable or an array of variables
patternVars array | string | Var Either a single variable or an array of variables
resultVarName string | Var output variable name
[subquery] WOQLQuery The query whose results will be grouped


//subquery is an argument or a chained query
let [age, last_name, first_name, age_group, person] = vars("age", "last name", "first name",
"age group", "person")
group_by(age, [last_name, first_name], age_group)
  .triple(person, "first_name", first_name)
  .triple(person, "last_name", last_name)
  .triple(person, "age", age)


WOQL.true() ⇒ WOQLQuery

A function that always matches, always returns true

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the true value that will match any pattern

when(true()).triple("a", "b", "c")


WOQL.path(subject, pattern, object, [resultVarName]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Performs a path regular expression match on the graph

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the path regular expression matching expression

Param Type Description
subject string | Var An IRI or variable that refers to an IRI representing the subject, i.e. the starting point of the path
pattern string (string) - A path regular expression describing a pattern through multiple edges of the graph (see:
object string | Var An IRI or variable that refers to an IRI representing the object, i.e. ending point of the path
[resultVarName] string | Var A variable in which the actual paths traversed will be stored


let [person, grand_uncle, lineage] = vars("person", "grand uncle", "lineage")
path(person, "((father|mother) {2,2}), brother)", grand_uncle, lineage)


WOQL.size(resourceId, resultVarName)

Calculates the size in bytes of the contents of the resource identified in ResourceID

Param Type Description
resourceId string | Var A valid resource identifier string (can refer to any graph / branch / commit / db)
resultVarName string | Var The variable name


let [varSize] = vars("varSize")
size("admin/minecraft/local/branch/main/instance/main", varSize)
//returns the number of bytes in the main instance graph on the main branch


WOQL.triple_count(resourceId, tripleCount) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Calculates the number of triples of the contents of the resource identified in ResourceID

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the size expression

Param Type Description
resourceId string | Var A valid resource identifier string (can refer to any graph / branch / commit / db)
tripleCount string | number | Var An integer literal with the size in bytes or a variable containing that integer


let [count] = vars("count")
triple_count("admin/minecraft/local/_commits", count)
//returns the number of bytes in the local commit graph


WOQL.type_of(elementId, elementType) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Returns true if 'elementId' is of type 'elementType', according to the current DB schema

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery object containing the type_of pattern matching rule

Param Type Description
elementId string | Var the id of a schema graph element
elementType string | Var the element type

star[graph], [subject], [predicate], [object]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generates a query that by default matches all triples in a graph identified by "graph" or in all the current terminusDB's graph

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
[graph] string | boolean false or the resource identifier of a graph possible value are schema/{main - myschema - *}
[subject] string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable, default value "v:Subject"
[predicate] string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable, default value "v:Predicate"
[object] string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal, default value "v:Object"


//will return every triple in schema/main graph


WOQL.all([subject], [predicate], [object], [graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generates a query that by default matches all triples in a graph - identical to star() except for order of arguments

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the pattern matching expression all("mydoc") //will return every triple in the instance/main graph that has "doc:mydoc" as its subject

Param Type Description
[subject] string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
[predicate] string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
[object] string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal
[graphRef] typedef.GraphRef the resource identifier of a graph possible value are schema/{main - myschema - *}


WOQL.node(nodeid, [chainType]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Specifies the identity of a node that can then be used in subsequent builder functions. Note that node() requires subsequent chained functions to complete the triples / quads that it produces - by itself it only generates the subject.

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the partial Node pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
nodeid string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable containing an IRI which will be the subject of the builder functions
[chainType] typedef.FuntionType Optional type of builder function to build (default is triple)


node("mydoc").label("my label")
//equivalent to triple("mydoc", "label", "my label")


WOQL.insert(classId, classType, [graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Inserts a single triple into the database declaring the Node to have type Type, optionally into the specified graph

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the insert expression

Param Type Description
classId string | Var IRI string or variable containing the IRI of the node to be inserted
classType string | Var IRI string or variable containing the IRI of the type of the node (class/document name)
[graphRef] typedef.GraphRef Optional Graph resource identifier


insert("mydoc", "MyType")
//equivalent to add_triple("mydoc", "rdf:type", "@schema:MyType")


WOQL.graph([graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Sets the graph resource ID that will be used for subsequent chained function calls

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the partial Graph pattern matching expression

Param Type Description
[graphRef] typedef.GraphRef Resource String identifying the graph which will be used for subsequent chained schema calls


//equivalent to add_quad("MyClass", "label", "My Class Label", "schema/main")


WOQL.nuke([graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Deletes all triples in the passed graph (defaults to instance/main)

Returns: WOQLQuery - - A WOQLQuery which contains the deletion expression

Param Type Description
[graphRef] typedef.GraphRef Resource String identifying the graph from which all triples will be removed


//will delete everything from the schema/main graph


WOQL.query() ⇒ WOQLQuery

Generates an empty WOQLQuery object


let q = query()
//then q.triple(1, 1) ...


WOQL.json([JSON_LD]) ⇒ WOQLQuery | object

Generates a WOQLQuery object from the passed WOQL JSON - if an argument is passed, the query object is created from it, if none is passed, the current state is returned as a JSON-LD

Returns: WOQLQuery | object - either a JSON-LD or a WOQLQuery object

json version of query for passing to api

Param Type Description
[JSON_LD] object JSON-LD woql document encoding a query


WOQL.lib() ⇒ WOQLQuery

get the predefined library query WOQLLibrary

Returns: WOQLQuery - WOQLQuery object

//get commits older than the specified commit id
const query = WOQL.lib().previousCommits('m8vpxewh2aovfauebfkbzwmj4qwr5lb')

//return the commits of a specific branch starting from the head
//you can add the limit (how many results to return.) and the start point
//if a timestamp is given, gets the commits before the specified timestamp

const query = WOQL.lib().commits('main',10,2,1630683082.9278786)

//return the branches list with the timestamp and commits id
const query = WOQL.lib().branches()


WOQL.string(val) ⇒ object

Generates explicitly a JSON-LD string literal from the input

Returns: object - - A JSON-LD string literal

Param Type Description
val string | boolean | number any primitive literal type


//returns { "@type": "xsd:string", "@value": "1" }


WOQL.literal(val, type) ⇒ object

Generates explicitly a JSON-LD string literal from the input

Returns: object - - A JSON-LD literal

Param Type Description
val string any literal type
type string an xsd or xdd type


literal(1, "nonNegativeInteger")
//returns { "@type": "xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "@value": 1 }

date ⇒ object

Generates explicitly a JSON-LD literal date from the imput

Returns: object - - A JSON-LD literal date

Param Type Description
date string any date format string (YYYY-MM-DD)


//returns { "@type": "xsd:date", "@value": "2022-10-02" }


WOQL.datetime(datetime) ⇒ object

Generates explicitly a JSON-LD literal datetime from the imput

Returns: object - - A JSON-LD literal datetime

Param Type Description
datetime string any datetime format string (YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ssZ)


//returns { "@type": "xsd:dateTime", "@value": "2022-10-19T14:17:12Z" }


WOQL.boolean(bool) ⇒ object

Generates explicitly a JSON-LD literal boolean from the input

Returns: object - - A JSON-LD literal boolean

Param Type Description
bool boolean true


//returns { "@type": "xsd:boolean", "@value": true }


WOQL.iri(val) ⇒ object

Explicitly sets a value to be an IRI - avoiding automatic type marshalling

Returns: object - - A JSON-LD IRI value

Param Type Description
val string string which will be treated as an IRI


WOQL.vars(...varNames) ⇒ array.<Var>

Generates javascript variables for use as WOQL variables within a query

Returns: array.<Var> - an array of javascript variables which can be dereferenced using the array destructuring operation

Param Type
...varNames string


const [a, b, c] = WOQL.vars("a", "b", "c")
//a, b, c are javascript variables which can be used as WOQL variables in subsequent queries


WOQL.doc(object) ⇒ object

Produces an encoded form of a document that can be used by a WOQL operation such as WOQL.insert_document.

Returns: object - The encoded document

Param Type Description
object object Document to encode


const doc = WOQL.doc({ "@type": "Person", name: "Newperson" })


WOQL.client(client) ⇒ WOQLClient

Gets/Sets woqlClient

Param Type
client WOQLClient


WOQL.Vars(...varNames) ⇒ object.<Var>

Param Type
...varNames string


const v = WOQL.Vars('var01', 'var02', 'var03');
triple(v.var01, v.var02, v.var03)



query module allow you to use WOQL words as top level functions

Param Type
auto_eval *


WOQL.update_triple(subject, predicate, newObjValue, oldObjValue) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Update a pattern matching rule for the triple (Subject, Predicate, oldObjValue) with the new one (Subject, Predicate, newObjValue)

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the a Update Triple Statement

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
newObjValue string | Var The value to update or a literal
oldObjValue string | Var The old value of the object


WOQL.update_quad(subject, predicate, newObject, graphRef) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Update a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph)

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the a Update Quad Statement

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
newObject string | Var The value to update or a literal
graphRef typedef.GraphRef A valid graph resource identifier string


WOQL.value(subject, predicate, objValue) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a pattern matching rule for a triple [Subject, Predicate, Object] add extra information about the type of the value object

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the a quad or a triple Statement

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
objValue string | number | boolean | Var an specific value

link, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Creates a pattern matching rule for a triple [Subject, Predicate, Object]

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the a quad or a triple Statement

Param Type Description
subject string | Var The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable
predicate string | Var The IRI of a property or a variable
object string | Var The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal

dot, field, value) ⇒ WOQLQuery

Extract the value of a key in a bound document.

Returns: WOQLQuery - A WOQLQuery which contains the a dot Statement

Param Type Description
document string | Var Document which is being accessed.
field string | Var The field from which the document which is being accessed.
value string | Var The value for the document and field.