License: Apache Version 2
The WOQL object is a wrapper around the WOQLQuery object Syntactic sugar to allow writing WOQL.triple()... instead of new WOQLQuery().triple() Every function matches one of the public api functions of the woql query object
WOQL.using(refPath, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Query running against any specific commit Id
Param | Type | Description |
refPath | string |
path to specific reference Id or commit Id |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
subquery for the specific commit point |
let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c")
WOQL.using("userName/dbName/local/commit|branch/commitID").triple(a, b, c)
WOQL.comment(comment, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Adds a text comment to a query - can also be used to wrap any part of a query to turn it off
Param | Type | Description |
comment | string |
text comment |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
query that is "commented out" | ⇒ WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
varNames | string | Var |
only these variables are returned |
let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c"), triple(a, b, c))
Filters the query so that only the variables included in [V1...Vn] are returned in the bindings
WOQL.distinct(varNames) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Filter the query to return only results that are distinct in the given variables
Param | Type | Description |
varNames | string | Var |
these variables are guaranteed to be unique as a tuple |
WOQL.and(...subqueries) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Logical conjunction of the contained queries - all queries must match or the entire clause fails
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery object containing the conjunction of queries
Param | Type | Description |
...subqueries | WOQLQuery |
A list of one or more woql queries to execute as a conjunction |
//find triples that are of type scm:Journey, and have
//a start_station Start, and that start_station is labeled Start_Label
let [Journey, Start, Start_Label] = vars("Journey", "Start", "Start_Label")
WOQL.triple(Journey, "rdf:type", "@schema:Journey"),
WOQL.triple(Journey, "start_station", Start),
WOQL.triple(Start, "label", Start_Label))
Use read_document instead.
WOQL.read_document(IRI, output) ⇒ object
Read a node identified by an IRI as a JSON-LD document
Returns: object
- WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
IRI | string |
The document id or a variable to read |
output | string |
Variable which will be bound to the document. |
let [person] = vars("Person")
const query = WOQL.read_document(
const res = await client.query(query);
WOQL.insert_document(docjson, [IRI]) ⇒ object
Insert a document in the graph.
Returns: object
- WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
docjson | object |
The document to insert. Must either have an '@id' or have a class specified key. |
[IRI] | string |
An optional identifier specifying the document location. |
const res = await client.query(
WOQL.insert_document(WOQL.doc({ "@type" : "Person", "label": "John" }))
WOQL.update_document(docjson, [IRI]) ⇒ object
Update a document identified by an IRI
Returns: object
- WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
docjson | object |
The document to update. Must either have an '@id' or have a class specified key. |
[IRI] | string |
An optional identifier specifying the document location. |
WOQL.delete_document(IRI) ⇒ object
Delete a document from the graph.
Returns: object
- WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
IRI | string |
The document id or a variable |
WOQL.or(...subqueries) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a logical OR of the arguments
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery object containing the logical Or of the subqueries
Param | Type | Description |
...subqueries | WOQLQuery |
A list of one or more woql queries to execute as alternatives |
let [Subject] = vars("Subject")
triple(Subject, 'label', "A"),
triple(Subject, "label", "a")
WOQL.from(graphRef-, [query]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Specifies the database URL that will be the default database for the enclosed query
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the from expression
Param | Type | Description |
graphRef- | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
[query] | WOQLQuery |
The query |
WOQL.into(graphRef-, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Specifies the graph resource to write the contained query into
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which will be written into the graph in question
Param | Type | Description |
graphRef- | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
The query which will be written into the graph |
//Subq is an argument or a chained query
using("admin/minecraft").into("instance/main").add_triple("a", "rdf:type", "@schema:X")
//writes a single tripe (doc:a, rdf:type, scm:X) into the main instance graph
WOQL.triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a triple pattern matching rule for the triple [S, P, O] (Subject, Predicate, Object)
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
WOQL.added_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a triple pattern matching rule for the triple [S, P, O] (Subject, Predicate, Object) added in the current layer
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
WOQL.removed_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a triple pattern matching rule for the triple [S, P, O] (Subject, Predicate, Object) added in the current commit
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
WOQL.quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph)
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
graphRef | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
WOQL.added_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef-) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph) removed from the current commit
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
graphRef- | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
WOQL.removed_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef-) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph) removed from the current commit
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
graphRef- | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
WOQL.sub(classA, classB) ⇒ boolean
Returns true if ClassA subsumes ClassB, according to the current DB schema
Returns: boolean
- WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
classA | string |
ClassA |
classB | string |
ClassB |
WOQL.eq(varName, varValue) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Matches if a is equal to b
Param | Type | Description |
varName | string | Var |
literal, variable or id |
varValue | string | Var |
literal, variable or id |
WOQL.substr(string, before, [length], [after], [substring]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
string | string | Var |
String or variable |
before | number | Var |
integer or variable (characters from start to begin) |
[length] | number | Var |
integer or variable (length of substring) |
[after] | number | Var |
integer or variable (number of characters after substring) |
[substring] | string | Var |
String or variable |
WOQL.get(asvars, queryResource) ⇒** **WOQLQuery
Use the document inteface to import documents
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the get expression
Param | Type | Description |
asvars | Vars | array.<Var> |
an array of AsVar variable mappings (see as for format below) |
queryResource | WOQLQuery |
an external resource (remote, file, post) to query |
let [a, b] = vars("a", "b")
get(as("a", a).as("b", b)).remote("")
//copies the values from column headed "a" into a variable a and from column
//"b" into a variable b from remote CSV
WOQL.put(varsToExp, query, fileResource) ⇒** **WOQLQuery
Use the document inteface to import documents
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the put expression
Put: Outputs the results of a query to a file
Param | Type | Description |
varsToExp | Vars | array.<Var> |
an array of AsVar variable mappings (see as for format below) |
query | WOQLQuery |
The query which will be executed to produce the results |
fileResource | string |
an file resource local to the server |
let [s, p, o] = vars("Subject", "Predicate", "Object")
WOQL.put("s", s).as("p", p).as("o", o), WOQL.all())
.file({file:"/app/local_files/dump.csv"}), target, [type]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Imports the value identified by Source to a Target variable
Param | Type | Description |
source | string | number | Var |
Source |
target | string | Var |
Target |
[type] | string |
type to cast value to string |
let [First_Var, Second_Var] = vars('First_Var', 'Second_Var')"first var", First_Var, "string").as("second var", Second_Var)["first var", First_Var, "string"], ["second var", Second_Var])
WOQL.remote(remoteObj, [formatObj]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Identifies a remote resource by URL and specifies the format of the resource through the options
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the remote resource identifier
Param | Type | Description |
remoteObj | object |
The URL at which the remote resource can be accessed |
[formatObj] | typedef.DataFormatObj |
The format of the resource data {} |
remote({url:"http://url.of.resource"}, {type: "csv"}), [formatObj], [source]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Identifies a resource as a local path on the client, to be sent to the server through a HTTP POST request, with the format defined through the options
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Post resource identifier
Param | Type | Description |
url | string |
The Path on the server at which the file resource can be accessed |
[formatObj] | typedef.DataFormatObj |
imput options, optional |
[source] | string |
It defines the source of the file, it can be 'url','post' |
post("/.../.../", {type:'csv'})
WOQL.delete_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Deletes a single triple from the default graph of the database
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the Triple Deletion statement
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
delete_triple("john", "age", 42)
WOQL.delete_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Deletes a single triple from the graph [Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph]
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the Delete Quad Statement
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
graphRef | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
remove the class Person from the schema graph
WOQL.delete_quad("Person", "rdf:type", "sys:Class", "schema")
WOQL.add_triple(subject, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Adds triples according to the the pattern [subject,predicate,object]
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
WOQL.add_quad(subject, predicate, object, graphRef-) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Adds quads according to the pattern [S,P,O,G]
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
graphRef- | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
WOQL.trim(inputStr, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Remove whitespace from both sides of a string:
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Trim pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
inputStr | string | Var |
A string or variable containing the untrimmed version of the string |
resultVarName | string | Var |
A string or variable containing the trimmed version of the string |
let [trimmed] = vars("trimmed")
trim("hello ", trimmed)
//trimmed contains "hello"
WOQL.evaluate(arithExp, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Evaluates the passed arithmetic expression and generates or matches the result value
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Arithmetic function
Param | Type | Description |
arithExp | object | WOQLQuery | string |
A WOQL query containing a valid WOQL Arithmetic Expression, which is evaluated by the function |
resultVarName | string | number | Var |
Either a variable, in which the result of the expression will be stored, or a numeric literal which will be used as a test of result of the evaluated expression |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(plus(2, minus(3, 1)), result)
WOQL.eval(arithExp, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Evaluates the passed arithmetic expression and generates or matches the result value
Returns: WOQLQuery
- WOQLQuery
Param | Type | Description |
arithExp | object | WOQLQuery | string |
query or JSON-LD representing the query |
resultVarName | string | Var |
output variable | ⇒ WOQLQuery
Adds the numbers together
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the addition expression
Param | Type | Description |
...args | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the values to add |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(plus(2, plus(3, 1)), result)
WOQL.minus(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Subtracts Numbers N1..Nn
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the subtraction expression
Param | Type | Description |
...args | string | number | Var |
variable or numeric containing the value that will be subtracted from |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1)), result)
WOQL.times(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Multiplies numbers N1...Nn together
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the multiplication expression
Param | Type | Description |
...args | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the value |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(times(10, minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1))), result)
//result contains 9.000000000000002y
WOQL.divide(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Divides numbers N1...Nn by each other left, to right precedence
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the division expression let [result] = vars("result") evaluate(divide(times(10, minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1))), 10), result) //result contains 0.9000000000000001
Param | Type | Description |
...args | string | number | Var |
numbers to tbe divided |
WOQL.div(...args) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Division - integer division - args are divided left to right
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the division expression
Param | Type | Description |
...args | string | number | Var |
numbers for division |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(div(10, 3), result)
//result contains 3
WOQL.exp(varNum, expNum) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Exponent - raises varNum01 to the power of varNum02
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the exponent expression
Param | Type | Description |
varNum | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the number to be raised to the power of the second number |
expNum | number |
a variable or numeric containing the exponent |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(exp(3, 2), result)
//result contains 9
WOQL.floor(varNum) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generates the nearest lower integer to the passed number
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the floor expression
Param | Type | Description |
varNum | string | number | Var |
Variable or numeric containing the number to be floored |
let [result] = vars("result")
evaluate(divide(floor(times(10, minus(2.1, plus(0.2, 1)))), 10), result)
//result contains 0.9 - floating point error removed
WOQL.isa(instanceIRI, classId) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Tests whether a given instance IRI has type Class, according to the current state of the DB
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the type test
Param | Type | Description |
instanceIRI | string | Var |
A string IRI or a variable that identify the class instance |
classId | string | Var |
A Class IRI or a variable |
let [subject] = vars("subject")
isa(subject, "Person"), stringB, distance) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generates a string Leverstein distance measure between stringA and stringB
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Like pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
stringA | string | Var |
string literal or variable representing a string to be compared |
stringB | string | Var |
string literal or variable representing the other string to be compared |
distance | number | string | Var |
variable representing the distance between the variables |
let [dist] = vars('dist')
like("hello", "hallo", dist)
//dist contains 0.7265420560747664
WOQL.less(varNum01, varNum02) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Compares the value of v1 against v2 and returns true if v1 is less than v2
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the comparison expression
Param | Type | Description |
varNum01 | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the number to be compared |
varNum02 | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the second comporator |
let [result] = vars("result")
less(1, 1.1).eq(result, literal(true, "boolean"))
//result contains true
WOQL.greater(varNum01, varNum02) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Compares the value of v1 against v2 and returns true if v1 is greater than v2
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the comparison expression
Param | Type | Description |
varNum01 | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the number to be compared |
varNum02 | string | number | Var |
a variable or numeric containing the second comporator |
let [result] = vars("result")
greater(1.2, 1.1).eq(result, literal(true, "boolean"))
//result contains true
WOQL.opt([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Specifies that the Subquery is optional - if it does not match the query will not fail
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the optional sub Query
Param | Type | Description |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
A subquery which will be optionally matched |
let [subject] = vars("subject")
opt(triple(subject, 'label', "A"))
//Subq is an argument or a chained query
opt().triple(subject, 'label', "A")
WOQL.unique(prefix, inputVarList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generate a new IRI from the prefix and a hash of the variables which will be unique for any given combination of variables
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the unique ID generating function
Param | Type | Description |
prefix | string |
A prefix for the IRI - typically formed of the doc prefix and the classtype of the entity (“doc:Person”) |
inputVarList | array | string | Var |
An array of variables and / or strings from which the unique hash will be generated |
resultVarName | string | Var |
Variable in which the unique ID is stored |
let [newid] = vars("newid")
unique("doc:Person", ["John", "Smith"], newid)
WOQL.idgen(prefix, inputVarList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generate a new IRI from the prefix and concatention of the variables
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the ID generating function
Param | Type | Description |
prefix | string |
A prefix for the IRI - typically formed of the doc prefix and the classtype of the entity (“doc:Person”) |
inputVarList | array | string | Var |
An array of variables and / or strings from which the unique hash will be generated |
resultVarName | string | Var |
Variable in which the unique ID is stored |
let [newid] = vars("newid")
idgen("doc:Person", ["John", "Smith"], newid)
WOQL.upper(inputVarName, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Changes a string to upper-case
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Upper case pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
inputVarName | string | Var |
string or variable representing the uncapitalized string |
resultVarName | string | Var |
variable that stores the capitalized string output |
let [allcaps] = vars("allcaps")
upper("aBCe", allcaps)
//upper contains "ABCE"
WOQL.lower(inputVarName, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Changes a string to lower-case
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Lower case pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
inputVarName | string | Var |
string or variable representing the non-lowercased string |
resultVarName | string | Var |
variable that stores the lowercased string output |
let [lower] = var("l")
lower("aBCe", lower)
//lower contains "abce"
WOQL.pad(inputVarName, pad, len, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Pads out the string input to be exactly len long by appending the pad character pad to form output
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Pad pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
inputVarName | string | Var |
The input string or variable in unpadded state |
pad | string | Var |
The characters to use to pad the string or a variable representing them |
len | number | string | Var |
The variable or integer value representing the length of the output string |
resultVarName | string | Var |
stores output |
let [fixed] = vars("fixed length")
pad("joe", " ", 8, fixed)
//fixed contains "joe "
WOQL.split(inputVarName, separator, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Splits a string (Input) into a list strings (Output) by removing separator
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Split pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
inputVarName | string | Var |
A string or variable representing the unsplit string |
separator | string | Var |
A string or variable containing a sequence of charatcters to use as a separator |
resultVarName | string | Var |
variable that stores output list |
let [words] = vars("words")
split("joe has a hat", " ", words)
WOQL.member(element, list) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Matches if List includes Element
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the List inclusion pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
element | string | object | Var |
Either a variable, IRI or any simple datatype |
list | string | array | Var |
List ([string, literal] or string*) Either a variable representing a list or a list of variables or literals |
let [name] = vars("name")
member(name, ["john", "joe", "frank"])
WOQL.concat(varList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
takes a variable number of string arguments and concatenates them into a single string
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Concatenation pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
varList | array | string | Var |
a variable representing a list or a list of variables or strings - variables can be embedded in the string if they do not contain spaces |
resultVarName | string | Var |
A variable or string containing the output string |
let [first_name, last_name, full_name] = vars("first_name", "last_name", "full_name")
concat([first_name, " ", last_name], full_name)
WOQL.join(varList, glue, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Joins a list variable together (Input) into a string variable (Output) by glueing the strings together with Glue
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Join pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
varList | string | array | Var |
a variable representing a list or a list of strings and / or variables |
glue | string | Var |
A variable (v:glue) or (glue) string representing the characters to put in between the joined strings in input |
resultVarName | string | Var |
A variable or string containing the output string |
let [sentence] = vars("sentence")
join(["joe", "has", "a", "hat", " ", sentence)
WOQL.sum(subquery, total) ⇒ WOQLQuery
computes the sum of the List of values passed. In contrast to other arithmetic functions, sum self-evaluates - it does not have to be passed to evaluate()
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the Sum expression
Param | Type | Description |
subquery | WOQLQuery |
a subquery or ([string or numeric]) - a list variable, or a list of variables or numeric literals |
total | string | Var |
the variable name with the sum result of the values in List |
let [total] = vars("total")
sum([2, 3, 4, 5], total)
WOQL.start(start, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Specifies an offset position in the results to start listing results from
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery whose results will be returned starting from the specified offset
Param | Type | Description |
start | number | string | Var |
A variable that refers to an interger or an integer literal |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
WOQL Query object, you can pass a subquery as an argument or a chained query |
let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c")
start(100).triple(a, b, c)
WOQL.limit(limit, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Specifies a maximum number of results that will be returned from the subquery
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery whose results will be returned starting from the specified offset
Param | Type | Description |
limit | number | string |
A variable that refers to an non-negative integer or a non-negative integer |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
A subquery whose results will be limited |
let [a, b, c] = vars("a", "b", "c")
limit(100).triple(a, b, c)
//subquery is an argument or a chained query
limit(100,triple(a, b, c)), inputVarName, resultVarList) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Matches the regular expression defined in Patern against the Test string, to produce the matched patterns in Matches
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Regular Expression pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
pattern | string |
string or variable using normal PCRE regular expression syntax with the exception that special characters have to be escaped twice (to enable transport in JSONLD) |
inputVarName | string | Var |
string or variable containing the string to be tested for patterns with the regex |
resultVarList | string | array | object | Var |
variable representing the list of matches or a list of strings or variables |
let [All, Sub] = vars("All", "Sub")"h(.).*", "hello", [All, Sub])
//e contains 'e', llo contains 'llo'
//p is a regex pattern (.*) using normal regular expression syntax, the only unusual
thing is that special characters have to be escaped twice, s is the string to be matched
and m is a list of matches:
WOQL.length(inputVarList, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Calculates the length of the list in va and stores it in vb
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the Length pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
inputVarList | string | array |
Either a variable representing a list or a list of variables or literals |
resultVarName | string | Var |
A variable in which the length of the list is stored or the length of the list as a non-negative integer |
let [count] = vars("count")
length(["john", "joe", "frank"], count)
WOQL.not([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Logical negation of the contained subquery - if the subquery matches, the query will fail to match
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the negated sub Query
Param | Type | Description |
[subquery] | string | WOQLQuery |
A subquery which will be negated |
let [subject, label] = vars("subject", "label")
not().triple(subject, 'label', label)
WOQL.once([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Results in one solution of the subqueries
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the once sub Query
Param | Type | Description |
[subquery] | string | WOQLQuery |
WOQL Query objects |
WOQL.immediately([subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Runs the query without backtracking on side-effects
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the immediately sub Query
Param | Type | Description |
[subquery] | string | WOQLQuery |
WOQL Query objects |
WOQL.count(countVarName, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a count of the results of the query
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the count sub Query
Param | Type | Description |
countVarName | string | number | Var |
variable or integer count |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
let [count, Person] = vars("count", "Person")
WOQL.count(count).triple(Person, "rdf:type", "@schema:Person")
WOQL.typecast(varName, varType, resultVarName) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Casts the value of Input to a new value of type Type and stores the result in CastVar
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the casting expression
Param | Type | Description |
varName | string | number | object | Var |
Either a single variable or a literal of any basic type |
varType | string | Var |
Either a variable or a basic datatype (xsd / xdd) |
resultVarName | string | Var |
save the return variable |
let [time] = vars("time")
cast("22/3/98", "xsd:dateTime", time)
WOQL.order_by(varNames) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Orders the results of the contained subquery by a precedence list of variables
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the ordering expression
Param | Type | Description |
varNames | string | Var | array |
A sequence of variables, by which to order the results, each optionally followed by either “asc” or “desc” to represent order as a list, by default it will sort the variable in ascending order |
let [A, B, C] = vars("A", "B", "C")
WOQL.order_by(A, [B, "asc"], [C, "desc"]).triple(A, B, C);
WOQL.group_by(varList, patternVars, resultVarName, [subquery]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Groups the results of the contained subquery on the basis of identical values for Groupvars, extracts the patterns defined in PatternVars and stores the results in GroupedVar
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the grouping expression
Param | Type | Description |
varList | array | string | Var |
Either a single variable or an array of variables |
patternVars | array | string | Var |
Either a single variable or an array of variables |
resultVarName | string | Var |
output variable name |
[subquery] | WOQLQuery |
The query whose results will be grouped |
//subquery is an argument or a chained query
let [age, last_name, first_name, age_group, person] = vars("age", "last name", "first name",
"age group", "person")
group_by(age, [last_name, first_name], age_group)
.triple(person, "first_name", first_name)
.triple(person, "last_name", last_name)
.triple(person, "age", age)
WOQL.true() ⇒ WOQLQuery
A function that always matches, always returns true
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the true value that will match any pattern
when(true()).triple("a", "b", "c")
WOQL.path(subject, pattern, object, [resultVarName]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Performs a path regular expression match on the graph
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the path regular expression matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
An IRI or variable that refers to an IRI representing the subject, i.e. the starting point of the path |
pattern | string |
(string) - A path regular expression describing a pattern through multiple edges of the graph (see: |
object | string | Var |
An IRI or variable that refers to an IRI representing the object, i.e. ending point of the path |
[resultVarName] | string | Var |
A variable in which the actual paths traversed will be stored |
let [person, grand_uncle, lineage] = vars("person", "grand uncle", "lineage")
path(person, "((father|mother) {2,2}), brother)", grand_uncle, lineage)
WOQL.size(resourceId, resultVarName)
Calculates the size in bytes of the contents of the resource identified in ResourceID
Param | Type | Description |
resourceId | string | Var |
A valid resource identifier string (can refer to any graph / branch / commit / db) |
resultVarName | string | Var |
The variable name |
let [varSize] = vars("varSize")
size("admin/minecraft/local/branch/main/instance/main", varSize)
//returns the number of bytes in the main instance graph on the main branch
WOQL.triple_count(resourceId, tripleCount) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Calculates the number of triples of the contents of the resource identified in ResourceID
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the size expression
Param | Type | Description |
resourceId | string | Var |
A valid resource identifier string (can refer to any graph / branch / commit / db) |
tripleCount | string | number | Var |
An integer literal with the size in bytes or a variable containing that integer |
let [count] = vars("count")
triple_count("admin/minecraft/local/_commits", count)
//returns the number of bytes in the local commit graph
WOQL.type_of(elementId, elementType) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Returns true if 'elementId' is of type 'elementType', according to the current DB schema
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery object containing the type_of pattern matching rule
Param | Type | Description |
elementId | string | Var |
the id of a schema graph element |
elementType | string | Var |
the element type |[graph], [subject], [predicate], [object]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generates a query that by default matches all triples in a graph identified by "graph" or in all the current terminusDB's graph
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
[graph] | string | boolean |
false or the resource identifier of a graph possible value are schema/{main - myschema - *} |
[subject] | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable, default value "v:Subject" |
[predicate] | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable, default value "v:Predicate" |
[object] | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal, default value "v:Object" |
//will return every triple in schema/main graph
WOQL.all([subject], [predicate], [object], [graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generates a query that by default matches all triples in a graph - identical to star() except for order of arguments
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the pattern matching expression all("mydoc") //will return every triple in the instance/main graph that has "doc:mydoc" as its subject
Param | Type | Description |
[subject] | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
[predicate] | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
[object] | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |
[graphRef] | typedef.GraphRef |
the resource identifier of a graph possible value are schema/{main - myschema - *} |
WOQL.node(nodeid, [chainType]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Specifies the identity of a node that can then be used in subsequent builder functions. Note that node() requires subsequent chained functions to complete the triples / quads that it produces - by itself it only generates the subject.
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the partial Node pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
nodeid | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable containing an IRI which will be the subject of the builder functions |
[chainType] | typedef.FuntionType |
Optional type of builder function to build (default is triple) |
node("mydoc").label("my label")
//equivalent to triple("mydoc", "label", "my label")
WOQL.insert(classId, classType, [graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Inserts a single triple into the database declaring the Node to have type Type, optionally into the specified graph
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the insert expression
Param | Type | Description |
classId | string | Var |
IRI string or variable containing the IRI of the node to be inserted |
classType | string | Var |
IRI string or variable containing the IRI of the type of the node (class/document name) |
[graphRef] | typedef.GraphRef |
Optional Graph resource identifier |
insert("mydoc", "MyType")
//equivalent to add_triple("mydoc", "rdf:type", "@schema:MyType")
WOQL.graph([graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Sets the graph resource ID that will be used for subsequent chained function calls
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the partial Graph pattern matching expression
Param | Type | Description |
[graphRef] | typedef.GraphRef |
Resource String identifying the graph which will be used for subsequent chained schema calls |
//equivalent to add_quad("MyClass", "label", "My Class Label", "schema/main")
WOQL.nuke([graphRef]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Deletes all triples in the passed graph (defaults to instance/main)
Returns: WOQLQuery
- - A WOQLQuery which contains the deletion expression
Param | Type | Description |
[graphRef] | typedef.GraphRef |
Resource String identifying the graph from which all triples will be removed |
//will delete everything from the schema/main graph
WOQL.query() ⇒ WOQLQuery
Generates an empty WOQLQuery object
let q = query()
//then q.triple(1, 1) ...
WOQL.json([JSON_LD]) ⇒ WOQLQuery
| object
Generates a WOQLQuery object from the passed WOQL JSON - if an argument is passed, the query object is created from it, if none is passed, the current state is returned as a JSON-LD
Returns: WOQLQuery
| object
- either a JSON-LD or a WOQLQuery object
json version of query for passing to api
Param | Type | Description |
[JSON_LD] | object |
JSON-LD woql document encoding a query |
WOQL.lib() ⇒ WOQLQuery
get the predefined library query WOQLLibrary
Returns: WOQLQuery
- WOQLQuery object
//get commits older than the specified commit id
const query = WOQL.lib().previousCommits('m8vpxewh2aovfauebfkbzwmj4qwr5lb')
//return the commits of a specific branch starting from the head
//you can add the limit (how many results to return.) and the start point
//if a timestamp is given, gets the commits before the specified timestamp
const query = WOQL.lib().commits('main',10,2,1630683082.9278786)
//return the branches list with the timestamp and commits id
const query = WOQL.lib().branches()
WOQL.string(val) ⇒ object
Generates explicitly a JSON-LD string literal from the input
Returns: object
- - A JSON-LD string literal
Param | Type | Description |
val | string | boolean | number |
any primitive literal type |
//returns { "@type": "xsd:string", "@value": "1" }
WOQL.literal(val, type) ⇒ object
Generates explicitly a JSON-LD string literal from the input
Returns: object
- - A JSON-LD literal
Param | Type | Description |
val | string |
any literal type |
type | string |
an xsd or xdd type |
literal(1, "nonNegativeInteger")
//returns { "@type": "xsd:nonNegativeInteger", "@value": 1 } ⇒ object
Generates explicitly a JSON-LD literal date from the imput
Returns: object
- - A JSON-LD literal date
Param | Type | Description |
date | string |
any date format string (YYYY-MM-DD) |
//returns { "@type": "xsd:date", "@value": "2022-10-02" }
WOQL.datetime(datetime) ⇒ object
Generates explicitly a JSON-LD literal datetime from the imput
Returns: object
- - A JSON-LD literal datetime
Param | Type | Description |
datetime | string |
any datetime format string (YYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ssZ) |
//returns { "@type": "xsd:dateTime", "@value": "2022-10-19T14:17:12Z" }
WOQL.boolean(bool) ⇒ object
Generates explicitly a JSON-LD literal boolean from the input
Returns: object
- - A JSON-LD literal boolean
Param | Type | Description |
bool | boolean |
true |
//returns { "@type": "xsd:boolean", "@value": true }
WOQL.iri(val) ⇒ object
Explicitly sets a value to be an IRI - avoiding automatic type marshalling
Returns: object
- - A JSON-LD IRI value
Param | Type | Description |
val | string |
string which will be treated as an IRI |
WOQL.vars(...varNames) ⇒ array.<Var>
Generates javascript variables for use as WOQL variables within a query
Returns: array.<Var>
- an array of javascript variables which can be dereferenced using the array destructuring operation
Param | Type |
...varNames | string |
const [a, b, c] = WOQL.vars("a", "b", "c")
//a, b, c are javascript variables which can be used as WOQL variables in subsequent queries
WOQL.doc(object) ⇒ object
Produces an encoded form of a document that can be used by a WOQL operation such as WOQL.insert_document
Returns: object
- The encoded document
Param | Type | Description |
object | object |
Document to encode |
const doc = WOQL.doc({ "@type": "Person", name: "Newperson" })
WOQL.client(client) ⇒ WOQLClient
Gets/Sets woqlClient
Param | Type |
client | WOQLClient |
WOQL.Vars(...varNames) ⇒ object.<Var>
Param | Type |
...varNames | string |
const v = WOQL.Vars('var01', 'var02', 'var03');
triple(v.var01, v.var02, v.var03)
query module allow you to use WOQL words as top level functions
Param | Type |
auto_eval | * |
WOQL.update_triple(subject, predicate, newObjValue, oldObjValue) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Update a pattern matching rule for the triple (Subject, Predicate, oldObjValue) with the new one (Subject, Predicate, newObjValue)
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the a Update Triple Statement
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
newObjValue | string | Var |
The value to update or a literal |
oldObjValue | string | Var |
The old value of the object |
WOQL.update_quad(subject, predicate, newObject, graphRef) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Update a pattern matching rule for the quad [S, P, O, G] (Subject, Predicate, Object, Graph)
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the a Update Quad Statement
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
newObject | string | Var |
The value to update or a literal |
graphRef | typedef.GraphRef |
A valid graph resource identifier string |
WOQL.value(subject, predicate, objValue) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a pattern matching rule for a triple [Subject, Predicate, Object] add extra information about the type of the value object
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the a quad or a triple Statement
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
objValue | string | number | boolean | Var |
an specific value |, predicate, object) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Creates a pattern matching rule for a triple [Subject, Predicate, Object]
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the a quad or a triple Statement
Param | Type | Description |
subject | string | Var |
The IRI of a triple’s subject or a variable |
predicate | string | Var |
The IRI of a property or a variable |
object | string | Var |
The IRI of a node or a variable, or a literal |, field, value) ⇒ WOQLQuery
Extract the value of a key in a bound document.
Returns: WOQLQuery
- A WOQLQuery which contains the a dot Statement
Param | Type | Description |
document | string | Var |
Document which is being accessed. |
field | string | Var |
The field from which the document which is being accessed. |
value | string | Var |
The value for the document and field. |