Welcome to a corner of GitHub. It’s cozy, efficient, and has just the right amount of self-satisfaction. If you’ve stumbled here, you probably want to know what makes me tick (= clean code, scalable architectures, and the joy of solving "impossible" problems).
- Languages I speak: C, C++, C#, English, Java, JavaScript, Macedonian, TypeScript, Python, Kotlin, R, and even some German.
- Write software for bionic arms at eBionyx.
- Make programs generate crosswords for me.
- Brag about the time I went to the world's most prestigious computer science competition.
- United Nations
- eBionyx was the winner of the Generation Unlimited Global Challenge, and won a lot of money for it.
- My team, ATOM-Z, was a global award winner at the Space Apps Challenge.
- Microsoft
- Gave me a 3rd prize award at the Accelerate Your AI hackathon for TrustMeBro.
- The International Olympiad in Informatics
- The bronze medal came in 2022.
- The Computer Society of Macedonia
- I was the absolute winner of the National Olympiad, and even got a teddy bear as a prize.
- I was on the scientific committee of the Balkan Olympiad in Informatics.
- Vanderbilt University
- Against all odds, accepted me - and gave me the Wilbert E Chope Memorial Scholarship.
- Asked me to be a Data Analyst to figure out the mess that is faculty and student data.