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#9770: Add Pytorch implementation for blazepose model
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Sudharsan-V committed Jun 27, 2024
1 parent 6456f2e commit 74373a9
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Showing 3 changed files with 843 additions and 0 deletions.
376 changes: 376 additions & 0 deletions models/experimental/functional_blazepose/reference/
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@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2023 Tenstorrent Inc.

# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import torch
from torch import nn
import numpy as np
import torch.nn.functional as F
import cv2

def resize_pad(img):
size0 = img.shape
if size0[0] >= size0[1]:
h1 = 256
w1 = 256 * size0[1] // size0[0]
padh = 0
padw = 256 - w1
scale = size0[1] / w1
h1 = 256 * size0[0] // size0[1]
w1 = 256
padh = 256 - h1
padw = 0
scale = size0[0] / h1
padh1 = padh // 2
padh2 = padh // 2 + padh % 2
padw1 = padw // 2
padw2 = padw // 2 + padw % 2
img1 = cv2.resize(img, (w1, h1))
img1 = np.pad(img1, ((padh1, padh2), (padw1, padw2), (0, 0)))
pad = (int(padh1 * scale), int(padw1 * scale))
img2 = cv2.resize(img1, (128, 128))
return img1, img2, scale, pad

def blazeblock(x, in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size, stride, padding, skip_proj, parameters, i):
channel_pad = out_channel - in_channel
if stride == 2:
if kernel_size == 3:
h = F.pad(x, (0, 2, 0, 2), "constant", 0)
h = F.pad(x, (1, 2, 1, 2), "constant", 0)
max_pool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=stride, stride=stride)
x = max_pool(x)
h = x
if skip_proj:
conv = nn.Conv2d(
conv.weight = parameters[i].skip_proj.weight
conv.bias = parameters[i].skip_proj.bias
x = conv(x)
elif channel_pad > 0:
x = F.pad(x, (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, channel_pad), "constant", 0)
conv1 = nn.Conv2d(
conv1.weight = parameters[i].convs[0].weight
conv1.bias = parameters[i].convs[0].bias

h = conv1(h)

conv2 = nn.Conv2d(
conv2.weight = parameters[i].convs[1].weight
conv2.bias = parameters[i].convs[1].bias

h = conv2(h)
act = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
return act(h + x)

def blazepose(x, parameters):
detection2roi_method = "alignment"
kp1 = 2
kp2 = 3
theta0 = 90 * np.pi / 180
dscale = 1.5
dy = 0.0
b = x.shape[0]
backbone = nn.Conv2d(
backbone.weight = parameters.backbone1[0].weight
backbone.bias = parameters.backbone1[0].bias
x = backbone(x)
relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
x = relu(x)
in_channel = [48, 48, 48, 48, 64, 64, 64, 64, 96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128]
out_channel = [48, 48, 48, 64, 64, 64, 64, 96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 96, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128]
i = 2
for i in range(2, 24):
if i > 1:
if i == 5 or i == 9 or i == 16:
x = blazeblock(x, in_channel[i - 2], out_channel[i - 2], 5, 2, 0, True, parameters.backbone1, i)
x = blazeblock(x, in_channel[i - 2], out_channel[i - 2], 5, 1, 2, False, parameters.backbone1, i)
i += 1
i = 0

for i in range(6):
if i == 0:
h = blazeblock(x, 128, 256, 5, 2, 0, True, parameters.backbone2, i)
h = blazeblock(h, 256, 256, 5, 1, 2, False, parameters.backbone2, i)
i += 1

class8 = nn.Conv2d(128, 2, 1)
class8.weight = parameters.classifier_8.weight
class8.bias = parameters.classifier_8.bias
c1 = class8(x)
c1 = c1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
c1 = c1.reshape(b, -1, 1)

class16 = nn.Conv2d(256, 6, 1)
class16.weight = weight = parameters.classifier_16.weight
class16.bias = parameters.classifier_16.bias
c2 = class16(h)
c2 = c2.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
c2 = c2.reshape(b, -1, 1)
c =, c2), dim=1)

regressor_8 = nn.Conv2d(128, 24, 1)
regressor_8.weight = parameters.regressor_8.weight
regressor_8.bias = parameters.regressor_8.bias
r1 = regressor_8(x)
r1 = r1.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
r1 = r1.reshape(b, -1, 12)

regressor_16 = nn.Conv2d(256, 72, 1)
regressor_16.weight = parameters.regressor_16.weight
regressor_16.bias = parameters.regressor_16.bias
r2 = regressor_16(h)
r2 = r2.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
r2 = r2.reshape(b, -1, 12)
r =, r2), dim=1)
return [r, c]

def decode_boxes(raw_boxes, anchors):
"""Converts the predictions into actual coordinates using
the anchor boxes. Processes the entire batch at once.
boxes = torch.zeros_like(raw_boxes)
x_scale = 128.0
y_scale = 128.0
h_scale = 128.0
w_scale = 128.0
num_keypoints = 4
x_center = raw_boxes[..., 0] / x_scale * anchors[:, 2] + anchors[:, 0]
y_center = raw_boxes[..., 1] / y_scale * anchors[:, 3] + anchors[:, 1]

w = raw_boxes[..., 2] / w_scale * anchors[:, 2]
h = raw_boxes[..., 3] / h_scale * anchors[:, 3]

boxes[..., 0] = y_center - h / 2.0 # ymin
boxes[..., 1] = x_center - w / 2.0 # xmin
boxes[..., 2] = y_center + h / 2.0 # ymax
boxes[..., 3] = x_center + w / 2.0 # xmax

for k in range(num_keypoints):
offset = 4 + k * 2
keypoint_x = raw_boxes[..., offset] / x_scale * anchors[:, 2] + anchors[:, 0]
keypoint_y = raw_boxes[..., offset + 1] / y_scale * anchors[:, 3] + anchors[:, 1]
boxes[..., offset] = keypoint_x
boxes[..., offset + 1] = keypoint_y
return boxes

def tensors_to_detections(raw_box_tensor, raw_score_tensor, anchors):
num_anchors = 896
assert anchors.ndimension() == 2
assert anchors.shape[0] == num_anchors
assert anchors.shape[1] == 4

num_coords = 12
num_classes = 1
assert raw_box_tensor.ndimension() == 3
assert raw_box_tensor.shape[1] == num_anchors
assert raw_box_tensor.shape[2] == num_coords

assert raw_score_tensor.ndimension() == 3
assert raw_score_tensor.shape[1] == num_anchors
assert raw_score_tensor.shape[2] == num_classes

assert raw_box_tensor.shape[0] == raw_score_tensor.shape[0]

detection_boxes = decode_boxes(raw_box_tensor, anchors)
score_clipping_thresh = 100.0
thresh = score_clipping_thresh
raw_score_tensor = raw_score_tensor.clamp(-thresh, thresh)
detection_scores = raw_score_tensor.sigmoid().squeeze(dim=-1)

# Note: we stripped off the last dimension from the scores tensor
# because there is only has one class. Now we can simply use a mask
# to filter out the boxes with too low confidence.
min_score_thresh = 0.75
mask = detection_scores >= min_score_thresh

# Because each image from the batch can have a different number of
# detections, process them one at a time using a loop.
output_detections = []
for i in range(raw_box_tensor.shape[0]):
boxes = detection_boxes[i, mask[i]]
scores = detection_scores[i, mask[i]].unsqueeze(dim=-1)
output_detections.append(, scores), dim=-1))

return output_detections

def intersect(box_a, box_b):
A = box_a.size(0)
B = box_b.size(0)
max_xy = torch.min(
box_a[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2),
box_b[:, 2:].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2),
min_xy = torch.max(
box_a[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).expand(A, B, 2),
box_b[:, :2].unsqueeze(0).expand(A, B, 2),
inter = torch.clamp((max_xy - min_xy), min=0)
return inter[:, :, 0] * inter[:, :, 1]

def jaccard(box_a, box_b):
inter = intersect(box_a, box_b)
area_a = ((box_a[:, 2] - box_a[:, 0]) * (box_a[:, 3] - box_a[:, 1])).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(inter) # [A,B]
area_b = ((box_b[:, 2] - box_b[:, 0]) * (box_b[:, 3] - box_b[:, 1])).unsqueeze(0).expand_as(inter) # [A,B]
union = area_a + area_b - inter
return inter / union # [A,B]

def overlap_similarity(box, other_boxes):
"""Computes the IOU between a bounding box and set of other boxes."""
return jaccard(box.unsqueeze(0), other_boxes).squeeze(0)

def weighted_non_max_suppression(detections):
if len(detections) == 0:
return []

output_detections = []
num_coords = 12
# Sort the detections from highest to lowest score.
remaining = torch.argsort(detections[:, num_coords], descending=True)

while len(remaining) > 0:
detection = detections[remaining[0]]

# Compute the overlap between the first box and the other
# remaining boxes. (Note that the other_boxes also include
# the first_box.)
first_box = detection[:4]
other_boxes = detections[remaining, :4]
ious = overlap_similarity(first_box, other_boxes)

# If two detections don't overlap enough, they are considered
# to be from different faces.
min_suppression_threshold = 0.3
mask = ious > min_suppression_threshold
overlapping = remaining[mask]
remaining = remaining[~mask]

# Take an average of the coordinates from the overlapping
# detections, weighted by their confidence scores.
weighted_detection = detection.clone()
if len(overlapping) > 1:
coordinates = detections[overlapping, :num_coords]
scores = detections[overlapping, num_coords : num_coords + 1]
total_score = scores.sum()
weighted = (coordinates * scores).sum(dim=0) / total_score
weighted_detection[:num_coords] = weighted
weighted_detection[num_coords] = total_score / len(overlapping)


return output_detections

def predict_on_batch(x, anchors, parameters):
if isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
x = torch.from_numpy(x).permute((0, 3, 1, 2))
x_scale = 128.0
y_scale = 128.0
assert x.shape[1] == 3
assert x.shape[2] == y_scale
assert x.shape[3] == x_scale

x = x.float() / 255.0

# 2. Run the neural network:
with torch.no_grad():
out = blazepose(x, parameters)
detections = tensors_to_detections(out[0], out[1], anchors)
num_coords = 12
filtered_detections = []
for i in range(len(detections)):
faces = weighted_non_max_suppression(detections[i])
faces = torch.stack(faces) if len(faces) > 0 else torch.zeros((0, num_coords + 1))

return filtered_detections

def predict_on_image(img, parameters, anchors):
if isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
img = torch.from_numpy(img).permute((2, 0, 1))
return predict_on_batch(img.unsqueeze(0), anchors, parameters)[0]

def denormalize_detections_ref(detections, scale, pad):
detections[:, 0] = detections[:, 0] * scale * 256 - pad[0]
detections[:, 1] = detections[:, 1] * scale * 256 - pad[1]
detections[:, 2] = detections[:, 2] * scale * 256 - pad[0]
detections[:, 3] = detections[:, 3] * scale * 256 - pad[1]

detections[:, 4::2] = detections[:, 4::2] * scale * 256 - pad[1]
detections[:, 5::2] = detections[:, 5::2] * scale * 256 - pad[0]
return detections

def detection2roi(detection):
detection2roi_method = "alignment"
kp1 = 2
kp2 = 3
theta0 = 90 * np.pi / 180
if detection2roi_method == "box":
# compute box center and scale
# use mediapipe/calculators/util/
xc = (detection[:, 1] + detection[:, 3]) / 2
yc = (detection[:, 0] + detection[:, 2]) / 2
scale = detection[:, 3] - detection[:, 1] # assumes square boxes

elif detection2roi_method == "alignment":
# compute box center and scale
# use mediapipe/calculators/util/
xc = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp1]
yc = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp1 + 1]
x1 = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp2]
y1 = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp2 + 1]
scale = ((xc - x1) ** 2 + (yc - y1) ** 2).sqrt() * 2

dscale = 1.5
dy = 0.0
yc += dy * scale
scale *= dscale

# compute box rotation
x0 = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp1]
y0 = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp1 + 1]
x1 = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp2]
y1 = detection[:, 4 + 2 * kp2 + 1]
# theta = np.arctan2(y0-y1, x0-x1) - self.theta0
theta = torch.atan2(y0 - y1, x0 - x1) - theta0
return xc, yc, scale, theta

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