Changes (since 3.2.0):
- Add: do not create initial entity when a new device is provisioned and appendMode is false or NGSI-LD is used
- Add: evaluate group entityNameExp with a context including measures (#1334)
- Add: allow update timestamp and other config fields of device
- Fix: check array access in extractVariables of jexlPlugin when bidirectionalPlugin is enabled
- Fix: explicitAttrs of device was tainted even if not defined
- Fix: do not include static, lazy and commands from group to device to avoid duplicate them in device (#1377)
- Fix: use 'options=upsert' when update ngsiv2 CB entities and appendMode is enabled (#956)
- Fix: do not propagate group config (timestamp and explicitAttrs) to autoprovisioned devices (at database level) (#1377)
- Fix: appendMode at general level (config.js / env var) changes its default from false to true
- Fix: remove sensitive MongoDB connection parameters from log traces (remove 'option' object from logs)
- Deprecate: bidirectional plugin
- Deprecate: appendMode
- Remove: expressionLanguage field (as it it not longer needed, due to only one expression language is supported, after the removal of legacy expressions in 3.2.0) (#1384)