Changes (since 2.20.0):
- Add: new JEXL transformations for handle upper and low case: touppercase, tolowercase
- Add: do not process attr expressions when current attr update is of type 'commandStatus' or 'commandResult'
- Add: add expressions, payloadType and contentType to commands models
- Fix: exclude all attrs when explicitAttrs is an empty array (#1235)
- Fix: bad query searching for group using resource instead of type by executeUpdateSideEffects (commands) (#1216)
- Fix: search device and group for a command using entity type when provided to proper match (#1211)
- Upgrade mongodb dep from 3.6.8 to 3.6.12
- Upgrade mongoose dep from 5.7.7 to 5.7.14
- Upgrade moment dep from 2.24.0 to 2.29.2 due to security vulnerability (CVE-2022-24785)
- Upgrade async dep from 2.6.2 to 2.6.4 due to security vulnerability (CWE-1321)