Changes (since 2.1.0):
- [cygnus-ngsi][MySQLSink, PostgreSQLSink, PostgisSQLSink] Remove SQLBackend singleton, thus allowing two sinks of the same SQL-type in the same Cygnus instance
- [cygnus-ngsi][CKANSink] New datamodel for CKAN (dm-by-entity-id) implementing mapping: subservice -> org, entityId -> dataset, entityId -> resource (#1792)
- [cygnus-ngsi][PostgisSQLSink, PostgreSQLSink] Add dm-by-entity-database and dm-by-entity-database-schema.
- [cygnus-ngsi][Generic Aggregation] If name mappings is enabled, then the aggregation will take all attributes from the mapped element on the event
- [cygnus-ngsi] Update entrypoint to create a symlink from the logfile to stdout, and remove tail execution to stream logfile